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Oregon.gov Licenses, Permits and Registrations
Department of Consumer & Business Services
Detailed Information for: Telephonic Sellers (Telemarketers)
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Updated: 2/28/2007
Description: This license allows the holder to conduct telephonic sales (telemarketing) from or into Oregon.

"Telephonic seller" means a person who, on the person's own behalf, or on behalf of another person, causes or attempts to cause a telephone solicitation to be made under the following circumstances:
(a) The person initiates telephonic contact with a prospective purchaser and represents or implies any of the following:
(A) That a prospective purchaser who buys one or more goods or services unit will receive additional units, whether or not of the same type as purchased, without further cost. As used in this subparagraph, "further cost" does not include actual postage or common carrier delivery charges, if any;
(B) That a prospective purchaser will receive a prize or gift if the person also encourages the prospective purchaser to do either of the following:
(i) Purchase or rent any goods or services; or
(ii) Pay any money, including, but not limited to a delivery or handling charge;
(C) That a prospective purchaser who buys goods or services, because of some unusual event or imminent price increase, will be able to buy these items at prices which are below those usually charged or will be charged for those items;
(D) That the seller is a person other than the actual seller;
(E) That the items for sale or rent are manufactured or supplied by a person other than the actual manufacturer or supplier; or
(F) That the items for sale are gold, silver or other precious metals, diamonds, rubies, sapphires or other precious stones or any interest in oil, gas or mineral fields, wells or exploration sites; or
(b) The telephone solicitation is made by the person in response to inquiries from prospective purchasers generated by advertisement, for the person and the solicitation is conducted as in paragraph (a) of this subsection
Statutes, Rules, Ordinances: ORS 646.551
OAR 137-020-0200 to -0205
Duration: 1 year
Fees - application, exam, etc.:  Application fee: $400
Responsible Agency: Justice Department
Fee Exemptions: Not all companies who sell over the telephone are required to register. See ORS for details.
Bonding Requirements: None
Insurance Requirements: None
Prerequisites: Must obtain license 10 days prior to initiating telephonic sales.
Application Form: Oregon Department of Justice Telephonic Seller Registration Form
Service Links:  Application
contact Agency Contact Information
Required Documentation: * Sales scripts
* Written material given to consumer
* Identification of employees
Additional Information: See ORS 646.551(2) for a definition of what is not a Telephonic seller.
Contact Info:
Oregon Dept. of Justice
Financial Fraud Section/Telemarketing
1162 Court St., NE
Salem, OR 97310
(503) 947-4400

  Agency Information
Please refer to the Agency Website for further details and additional information.
Agency Name: Justice Department
E-mail Address: Charitable.activities@doj.state.or.us
Phone: 971-673-1880
Mail Address: Oregon Dept. of Justice, Charitable Activities Sec
1515 SW Fifth Ave, Suite 410
Portland, OR 97201
Website Information: http://www.doj.state.or.us/

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