1-877-VSN-LINK 1-877-876-5465

the LINK for people helping people

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  • Single Agency

    CommunityOS® is used within agencies to track cases and clients, resources, volunteers, and outcomes. Integrated case management, powerful reports, and public-facing websites make it easy to manage your work.

    Single Agency

    One comprehensive solution for your organization


  • Multi Agency

    CommunityOS is used to manage critical information between departments and among agencies, providing flexible systems to share cases and resources while giving each organization complete control over its private data.

    Multi Agency

    Plus, the ability to collaborate with partners


  • Cross Sector Partnerships

    Making the most of our powerful software platform, CommunityOS is used to create complete systems connecting humanitarian agencies across a variety of interconnected sectors.

    Cross Sector Partnerships

    Plus, multi-purpose solutions for the entire community


  • Foundations & Funders

    CommunityOS can keep funders up to date with automatically-updating dashboards, real-time updates, met and unmet needs, and resources being sent to critical areas. It is designed to leverage grant funding.

  • Nonprofit Organizations

    Nonprofits use the CommunityOS platform to ensure that their work has the greatest possible impact, coordinating intake, registries, case management, partnerships, and volunteers.

  • Government Agencies

    The CommunityOS platform is used by government agencies to work with local organizations, capture and map services and assets, coordinate data, and build a “whole community” approach.

  • Outside the Box

    Our customers build new approaches to solving problems. Using the CommunityOS as a toolkit, they innovate within their own organization, with their clients, and across networks of partner agencies. CommunityOS opens revolutionary possibilities for each new organization we work with.