Polls Finds Most Parents Support Higher School Nutrition Standards
Parents Support Higher Nutrition Standards

A new poll shows that parents of school-age children overwhelmingly support national nutrition standards for all goods and beverages sold to students during school.

Porcupline Sliders
What's Cooking

What's Cooking? USDA Mixing Bowl is a collection of quick, delicious, cost-effective recipes for every type of cook.

Community Eligibility Provisions

CEP provides an alternative approach for offering school meals in low-income areas.

Local Wellness Policy

A local school wellness policy promotes students' health, well-being and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity.

Creating a Healthier Next Generation
Creating A Healthier Next Generation

Learn more about supporting healthy choices at school.

Detecting Fraudulent Activities

FNS uses state of the art technology to monitor retailers and detect fraudulent activities.

Farm to School Census

To determine the prevalence of farm to school programs in the United States, USDA surveyed an estimated 13,000 public school districts.

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