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SCPEC RA celebrates its
10-th anniversary

6-th UN conference on Competition Policy

Armenia. Peer Review


Armenia is a member of ICN
ICN 10th Annual Conference
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EU MS experts shared their experience and assessment on competition and state aid with specialists of state bodies
Financial assistance provided to undertakings through state resources, i.e. state aid, is a crucial issue from point of formation of competitive environment, since if improperly and inappropriately applied; unequal conditions will apply for other undertakings engaged in the same activity. In this regard, this domain is legally regulated in EU countries, while competition authorities in charge of state aid control have adequate competencies.
RA Law on Protection of Economic Competition needs amendment in line of state aid control. The Commission is actively cooperating, by means of seminars, discussions and meetings, with its partners from EU Member States on preparation of the draft of RA Law on State Aid Control.
On October 17, RA SCPEC and EU Twinning project organized another round-table discussion on Competition Rules and State Aid Control with participation of representatives of state aid authorities and SCPEC staff. RA SCPEC has invited EU MS experts to share their experience with the specialists of state authorities and to discuss the situation in Armenia. The round-table discussion was led by EU Member States experts Mr. K. Stockmann and Mr. J. Fritzenkeotter. They presented major principles of state aid control in the EU, categories of State aid, as well as commented on the draft amendments to RA Competition Law and the draft of the Law on State Aid Control.
Be advised that this Twinning Project on Competition and State Aid launched in February, 2011, and is being implemented through 2011-2013. The final goal of the current project is the improvement of the competition environment in the Armenia and strengthening SCPEC’s enforcement capacities, as well as enhancement of international cooperation in competition and state aid, as well as advocacy on competition and state aid issues.

The Project is financed by European Union. The total amount is 1.1 million Euro.
This website was developed with the assistance of the United States Agency
for International Development (USAID).
The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.