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Correcting Race and Gender: Prison Regulation of Social Hierarchy Through Dress

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Jan. 07, 2013

Library ID

  • 026511


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  • 2012
  • 80 pages

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  • Correcting Race and Gender: Prison Regulation of Social Hierarchy Through Dress

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: 'This Article examines the enforcement of racialized gender norms through the regulation of dress in prisons. Dress, including hair and clothing, is central to the ways government and other institutions enforce hierarchical social norms based on the intersection of race and gender, as well as religion, sexuality, class, age, and disability. For many people, dress is a way to express identity, exercise autonomy, practice religion, participate politically, experience pleasure, preserve health, and/or avoid violence' (p. 1). This article is divided into seven parts: introduction; how dress matters; the history of dress regulation and incarceration; the prison dress regulation; penological justifications for regulating prison dress; judicial treatment of prison dress; avenues for change; and conclusion.

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