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Fiscal Year 2001

This page points to items of interest concerning the Department of the Interior's budget. You may track the progress of this budget request through the Congressional appropriations process from this page.


  • Assistant Secretary John Berry issued a call to the Department's bureaus and offices for their 2001 budgets and policy recommendations on April 30 1999.

  • Secretary Bruce Babbitt submitted the Department's budget request for 2001 to OMB September 13 1999.

  • OMB passed back its decisions on the Department's budget on December 6 1999, starting a month of intense discussions between the Department and OMB that shaped the final request.

  • The President's 2001 Budget was submitted to the Congress February 7 2000.



  • The FY 2001 hearing schedule for the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee and for the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee are posted on the House of Representatives' website.

  • The Secretary of the Interior presented and defended the Department's budget request before the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee on February 29, 2000.


Budget Resolution:
The Concurrent Resolution on the Budget, on which Congress completed action April 15 last year, determines, among other things, the total amount the Appropriations Committees have for their annual appropriations bills.

 The Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill

Congressional Action:

  • Reported by the House Subcommittee. The House Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee issued a press release on the day the Subcommittee released the bill, May 17 mark up of FY 2001 appropriations bill. Overall the Department received a mark of $7.263 billion, $57.5 million less than last year's enacted level, and $1.143 billion less than the President's budget request.

  • Reported by the House Full Committee. The Full Appropriations Committee reported the bill on May 25 2000 by a vote of 31 to 22. The FY 2001 Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations bill (H.R. 4578) was filed by the Committee June 1. The accompanying report is 106-646.

    Key Number Table for the bill reported to the House Floor

    Office of Budget's Summary of the bill as reported to the House Floor

  • Passed by the House. The House of Representatives passed the 2001 Interior and Related Agencies bill after passing several amendments early in the morning of June 16. House Floor Actions. The vote on final passage was 204 to 172. The bill provides $7.4 billion for Department programs $1,030 million below the President's request.

  • Reported by the Senate Subcommittee. Senate subcommittee on Appropriations approved H.R. 4578, as amended on June 20.

  • Reported by the Senate Full Committee. The Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee marked the Interior bill June 20 and issued a press release. The full Senate Committee completed action on the bill on June 22nd, floor action. The Senate report 106-312 was filed on June 22.

  • Passed by the Senate. The Senate passed the 2001 Interior and Related Agencies appropriations bill (H.R. 4578) on Tuesday, July 18th by a vote of 97 to 2 after considering amendments for several days.

  • Reported by the Conference Committee. Interior Conference Agreement Summary for September 29 (H. Report 106-914).

  • House Passed Conference Report. House passed the Conference bill on October 3 by a vote of 348 to 69.

  • Senate Passed the Conference Report. Senate passed the Conference bill on October 5 by a vote of 83 to 13.

Executive Action:

  • Received by the White House. Cleared for the White House on October 5, presented to the President on October 7th.

  • Signed by the President. Signed by the President on October 11.

  • Public Law Number Assigned. Became Public Law No: 106-291 on October 11th.

Bill Summary and Status for H.R. 4578.

The Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill

Congressional Action:

  • Reported by the House Subcommittee. The Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill passed the House Subcommittee on June 12 by a voice vote.

  • Reported by the Full Committee. The Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill (H.R. 4733), House Report 106-693 was passed by the House full Committee on June 20th.

  • Passed by the House. The Energy and Water Development Bill was passed by the House on June 28 by a vote of 407 to 19.

  • Reported by the Senate Subcommittee. The Senate Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill passed the Senate Subcommittee July 13th by voice vote.

    Note: The Senate Appropriations subcommittee on Energy and Water Development approved H.R. 4733, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute, by voice vote.

  • Reported by the Senate Full Committee. The Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill, Senate Report 106-395 was passed by the Senate Full Committee on July 18. A short description of the Bill at this stage.

  • Passed by the Senate. The Energy and Water Development Bill was passed by the Senate on September 7th by a vote of 93 to 1.

    Note: On September 7, 2000, the Senate passed H.R. 4733, as amended

  • Reported by the Conference Committee. Committee Report - House Report. 106-907, on September 27. Summary.

    Note: Conference Report H.Rept. 106-988 (H.R. 4635) contains appropriations for VA/HUD (H.R. 5482) and Energy/Water (H.R. 5483), and provides these new bill numbers. See the Congressional Record, 10/18/2000, H10083-10224.

  • House Passed Conference Report. Passed the House on September 28th by a vote of 301 to 118.

  • Senate Passed Conference Report. Passed the Senate on October 2nd by a vote of 57 to 37.

  • House Action. Passage, objections of the President Notwithstanding on October 11th by a vote of 315 to 98.

    Note: Conference Report H.Rept. 106-988 (H.R. 4635) contains appropriations for VA/HUD (H.R. 5482) and Energy/Water (H.R. 5483), and provides these new bill numbers. See the Congressional Record, 10/18/2000, H10083-10224.

  • Reported by the Conference Committee. Committee Report - House Report. 106-988 , on October 18.

    Note: Conference Report H.Rept. 106-988 (H.R. 4635) contains appropriations for VA/HUD (H.R. 5482) and Energy/Water (H.R. 5483), and provides these new bill numbers. See the Congressional Record, 10/18/2000, H10083-10224.

  • House Passed Conference Report. Passed the House on October 19 by a vote of 386 to 24.

  • Senate Passed Conference Report. Passed the Senate on October 19 by a vote of 85 to 8.

Executive Action:

  • Received by the White House. President Veto on October 7. Veto Message.

  • Presented to the President. on October 19.

  • Signed by the President. on October 27.

  • Public Law Number Assigned. Became Public Law No: 106-377 on October 27.

Bill Summary and Status for H.R. 4635.

Continuing Resolution

Congressional Action:

  • Continuing Resolution 1: (H.J. Res. 109)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 415 to 2 on September 26, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by a vote of 96 to 0 on September 28, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-275 on September 29, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 2: (H.J. Res. 110)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 415 to 1 on October 3, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by a vote of 95 to 1 on October 5, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-282 on October 6, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 3: (H.J. Res. 111)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 407 to 2 on October 12, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by a vote of 90 to 1 on October 12, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-306 on October 13, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 4: (H.J. Res. 114)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 262 to 136 on October 19, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by unanimous consent on October 19, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-344 on October 20, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 5: (H.J. Res. 115)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 395 to 9 on October 25, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by a vote of 87 to 2 on October 25, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-358 on October 26, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 6: (H.J. Res. 116)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 392 to 10 on October 26, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by a vote of 94 to 1 on October 26, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-359 on October 26, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 7: (H.J. Res. 117)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 366 to 13 on October 27, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by a vote of 86 to 3 on October 27, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-381 on October 27, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 8: (H.J. Res. 118)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 339 to 7 on October 28, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by a vote of 67 to 2 on October 28, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-388 on October 28, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 9: (H.J. Res. 119)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 342 to 7 on October 29, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by a vote of 67 to 1 on October 29, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-389 on October 29, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 10: (H.J. Res. 120)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 339 to 9 on October 30, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by a vote of 70 to 1 on October 30, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-401 on October 30, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 11: (H.J. Res. 121)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 361 to 13 on October 31, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by unanimous consent on October 30, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-403 on October 31, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 12: (H.J. Res. 122)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 371 to 13 on November 1, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by unanimous consent on November 1, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-416 on November 1, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 13: (H.J. Res. 123)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 310 to 7 on November 2, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by unanimous consent on November 2, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-426 on November 2, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 14: (H.J. Res. 124)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by unanimous consent on November 3, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by unanimous consent on November 3, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-427 on November 4, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 15: (H.J. Res. 84)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by unanimous consent on November 3, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by unanimous consent on November 1, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-428 on November 4, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 16: (H.J. Res. 125)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by unanimous consent on November 13, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by unanimous consent on November 13, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-520 on November 15, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 17: (H.J. Res. 126)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 378 to 6 on December 5, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by a vote 99 to 0 on December 5, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-537 on December 5, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 18: (H.J. Res. 127)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 359 to 11 on December 7, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by a vote of 96 to 1 on December 7, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-539 on December 7, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 19: (H.J. Res. 128)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by a vote of 284 to 37 on December 8, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by voice vote on December 8, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-540 on December 8, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 20: (H.J. Res. 129)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by voice vote on December 11, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by unanimous consent on December 11, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-542 on December 11, 2000.

  • Continuing Resolution 21: (H.J. Res. 133)
  • House Passage. Passed the House by unanimous consent on December 15, 2000.
  • Senate Passage. Passed the Senate by unanimous consent on December 15, 2000.
  • Executive Action. Signed by the President and became Public Law No: 106-543 on December 15, 2000.

Summary Information

Supplemental Appropriations

  • FY 2001 Supplemental Appropriations (June 1, 2001):
         -Interiors Related Section (PDF Format)
         -Compete FY 2001 Supplemental (PDF Format)

  • Funding Amounts by Bureau (PDF Format)

  • Funding by Key Functional Areas (PDF Format)

  • Department of the Interior Treasury Annual Report (PDF Format)