United States Department of Veterans Affairs

HSR&D Research Briefs

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HSR&D Research Briefs Image HSR&D Research Briefs: A compilation of activities and findings, including completed studies, new centers and programs, awards and publications.

Indicates files in PDF format. pdf logo

01-2013: Spotlight: CREATE Initiative, News, Notices, Awards, Publications

08-2012: Special Feature, News, Notices, & Recent Dissemination, Awards & Honors, Newly Funded, and Publications, Citations, and Search Tools

04-2012: Special Feature, News, Notices, & Recent Dissemination, Awards & Honors, Newly Funded, and Publications, Citations, and Search Tools

10-2011: Investigator Spotlight; News, Notices, & Recent Dissemination; Awards & Honors, Newly Funded; Search Publications and Citations

07-2011: Susan Frayne, Becky Yano, Bariatric Surgery, Women Veterans' Resilience to Combat-Related Stress, Women's Health Issues: Special Supplement, ESP Reports

04-2011: Investigator Spotlight, Publications, Awards, News

10-2010: Nina Sayer, dissemination, awards, and notices

06-2010: Dan Berlowitz, MD, MPH, publication briefs and other disseminated studies, awards ...

04-2009: Farewell to Shirley Meehan, MBA, PhD; HSR&D National Meeting Highlights; Newly Funded

01-2009: This issue highlights the QUERI Quality Forum and QUERI National Meeting.

08-2008: VA HSR&D: A Look Back, Proceedings from AcademyHealth ARM, Newly Funded

03-2008: New Associate Director for QUERI, National Meeting Summary, Online Reports Available from HSR&D's Evidence-Based Synthesis Program, JGIM Supplement Highlights VA State-of-the-Art Conference on Managing Complexity in Chronic Care, Newly Funded Projects

pdf logo 09-2007: OIF/OEF Veterans, HSR&D National Meeting, Deployment Health Research

pdf logo 01-2007: Seth Eisen, "Author in the Room Series," new REAPs

pdf logo 07-2006: SGIM, Cyber Seminars, National Meeting, Women's Health, Career Development, New Funded Research Projects

pdf logo 03-2006: HSR&D National Meeting 2006, Polytrauma QUERI, HERC

pdf logo 06-2005: New online journal for implementation science, cyber seminars, research priorities 2006, investigator awards

pdf logo 12-2004: Research & Development RX, newly funded research projects

pdf logo 01-2004: In this issue: Implementation, VA Medicare Data Merge

pdf logo 01-2003: VA Announces New Chief of Research, 2002 National Survey of VA Researchers

pdf logo 06-2002: New Research Solicitations, Newly Funded Research Projects, New Career Development Awardees