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High Park Fire

This website will contain information relating to the long-term recovery of the High Park &Woodland Heights Fire areas. Click on the category of information below to view related documents and links.

Public Meetings/Updates/Events/Videos

Subscription to web updates

Public Meetings/Updates/Events

  • NoCo Rebuilding Network's "Dirt to Drapes Educational Series" - March 13, March 27
  • FUNDRAISER: 2013 Leadership Fort Collins Class is hosting a fundraising event for Wildlands Restoration Volunteers (WRV) from 7 - 9 pm at Odell Brewing Co. - Wednesday, March 20, 2013
  • Wildlands Restoration Volunteers is hosting a post-fire restoration crew leader training - Sunday, March 17. 2013
  • Educational series for survivors of the High Park Fire, Wednesday evenings
  • Larimer County Hires Recovery Manager for Recent Fires
       Introduction letter from Suzanne Bassinger

Want to include your event? Submit an event request for this site


Roads & Construction

Grants & Loans





Fire Data/Maps/Reports

  • Are You a Survivor of a Wildfire?
    If you lost a loved one, home or other property in a wildfire in the state of Colorado during 2012 please consider filling out this online survey to help researchers at the University of Northern Colorado understand your experience.

    The University of Northern Colorado has requested that the following information be made available to those of you who are recovering from the summer fires of 2012. Larimer County does not endorse, will not see, or own the information collected in this survey. This is an academic means of obtaining information and understanding the experience of fire survivors. Participation in the survey is your decision. Any questions or comments regarding this survey should be directed to: Austin Seeley (970) 351-2502; •

  • GIS Data FTP Site
  • Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) News Release
  • Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Report

Property Tax

ReBuilding/Structures/Building Permit Record

Land Restoration

Erosion Control

Sediment Control


Community & Other Resources

County Services

Flood Risk and Mitigation

Wildfires can greatly increase the risk of flooding, mudflows and landslides in burn areas and drainage basins impacted by fire. For the next number of years, substantially increased flood peaks, flow volumes, sediment transport and stream channel destabilization are expected even in minor rain events and outside expected drainage paths. It is important for property owners to understand the change in condition, and take action if necessary.

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Reports and Analysis

This report was completed in October 2012 and developed estimates of peak discharges that could be produced from different rainstorm events within the burn area drainage basins. These changes in discharge are an indication of increased flood hazard potential. The report is technical in nature, but results show that runoff can be 4-10 times greater due to the High Park Fire. Appendix A includes maps of many of the individual drainage basins and a chart for each basin comparing pre- and post- fire flowrates at various locations in each basin.

Appendix A - Predicted High Park Flood Response for individual Basins October 2012 (size: about 5.5 MB each)

Poster: increased Flood Potential of Streams Draining the High Park Fire September 2012 (size: 3.3 MB)

United States Geological Survey (USGS) Report

This report, completed in July 2012 was a preliminary assessment of the debris flow hazards within the drainage network within the burn area. The report provides estimates of the percent probability and volume of debris flow for a 10-year storm event generating 1.5 inches of rain in a one-hour time period. The results indicate a potential for substantial debris-flow impacts on structures, roads, bridges, and culverts located within, and immediately downstream, from the burned area. Results are summarized in Table 1 on page 8 of the report and are graphically shown on page 10 and 11. (Note: this report analyzes debris flow within 3 years after a fire and does not evaluate the hazards from flash floods without debris flow, which may remain for many years after a fire.)

Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Report

This is an interagency report completed just after the fire that summarizes watershed information, areas of concern, values at risk and proposed immediate treatment measures.

Falls Gulch Flood Risk

The NRCS completed a detailed study specific to Falls Gulch which identified the post-fire estimated water surface elevation along the reach of the gulch during different magnitudes of storms. The report includes detailed cross-sections along the reach that graphically show the expected elevation of the stormwater compared to the location of existing structures. This information is useful to property owners in order to plan for the placement of any new structures and help plan mitigation efforts to protect properties and existing structures. It is recommended that all new structures are placed such that the lowest opening is set above the 'energy grade' (or E.G.) elevation in the tables.

Other Specific Analysis

Additional analysis is underway. Check back often as studies will be posted when complete.

Home Protection


Other State & Federal Information

Volunteer Opportunities/ Volunteers Needed

    The individuals and organizations volunteering for projects listed on this website are not recruited, screened, reviewed or supervised by Larimer County. Larimer County makes no represenations about the qualfiications of the volunteers. All volunteers are responsible for their own conduct and injuries and release Larimer County, its officers, agents and employees from any claims arising out of volunteer activities. Similarly, those benefiting from volunteer activities are responsible for their own selection and acceptance of volunteer services and release Larimer County, its officers, agents and employees from any claims arising out of volunteer services.

    Volunteers Making a Difference: Visit the website This site has been created by community members to assist in the restoration resulting from the affects of the High Park Fire of 2012. Information and work events and opportunities updated regularly. All who wish to assist in this important community building effort are welcome. Visit the website for contact information.

    Wildlands Restoration Volunteers is hosting a post-fire restoration crew leader training on Sunday, March 17th. This all-day event will teach you how to lead small crews of volunteers to implement high-quality fire restoration projects. At the end of the day, you will have built some new leadership skills and learned some basic post-fire restoration techniques and you will be ready to help your community rebuild after the High Park Fires. For more information on how to register, please visit:

    Restoration Projects: Please visit Wildlands Restoration Volunteers (WRV) to see volunteer opportunities coming up for the 2013 restoration season!

    Please send your information for "Volunteer Opportunities" or "Volunteers Needed" to:
    Suzanne Bassinger, Recovery Manager
    Include contact information: contact person, phone and email address.
    We make every effort to post announcements as soon as possible, but allow several days once the post is approved.

Contact Information

Suzanne Bassinger, Recovery Manager,, (970) 498-7148