Daily Archives: April 11, 2010

Get Down and Dirty with the USO of Missouri Mud Run!

Want a twist on the usual charity athletic fundraiser?  Then look no further than USO of Missouri’s 5K Cross Country Mud Run.  Part obstacle course, part road race, this unique event can be run by individuals or teams of 5, with the goal of raising money for the organization.

USO of Missouri runs two facilities at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport.  The James S. McDonnell USO, located on the lower level of Terminal 1 across from baggage carousel M6, never closes. The doors are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  The  Terminal 2 Satellite facility, located on the lower level of Terminal 2 across from entrance ET11, is open 7 AM – 6 PM, Monday – Friday.  There is also a mobile unit and a center at Ft. Leonard Wood.

Two recent stories by Teri Maddox for bnd.com help explain just how much these centers mean to the military community.  A group of families found themselves waiting in the dining hall at Scott Air Force Base for 31 members of an Illinois Air National Guard 126th Air Refueling Wing Security Forces squadron to return from Iraq.  USO volunteers showed up to help pass the time.  “I love the USO,” said [one serviceman's sister] Jennifer Stroup, 27, of Scott Air Force Base. “They were here for the (squadron’s) deployment, and they gave all the kids teddy bears. It was really nice.”  Click here to read the full story

The Mud Run helps support events like that homecoming and so many more.  Still not convinced?  Check out the quick video below for inspiration!  See you in the mud…

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Bonus Pics from the Chairman’s Tour!

Tony Sirico, Jon Stinchcomb, James Gandolfini, and Rose McGowan touch down at the NATO facility in Northern Kabul, April 2, 2010.

We were thrilled to receive a note earlier this week from Captain Jane Campbell, USN, after having the USO’s Spring Chairman’s Tour swing through her location.

“Once again — the USO Tour was a HUGE hit here at the NATO facility at North Kabul Int’l Airport….something like this sure makes a world of difference. And, I think the Sopranos enjoyed meeting some of the Italian troops here. ;-)

Thanks, Captaing Campbell, for your service and for the service of everyone serving at NATO command in Kabul.  We’re happy to share your pictures!

Hmm...we wonder who create that sign! Rose McGowan shares a smile with Troops in Kabul on April 2 , 2010.

New Orleans Saints offensive tackle finds a pigskin far from home to sign for one servicememeber.

James Gandolfini plays tough guy with one servicemember in Kabul on April 2, 2010.

Paulie Gualtieri - oops! we mean Tony Sirico - gives a classic look to the camera before signing autographs and chatting with Troops inside ISAF Joint Command.