Daily Archives: April 7, 2010

News & Notes from Around the World

USO Centers from Italy to Oahu have been busy!  Check out our news and notes from allover…

As you know, USO Hawaii was recently honored at the State Capitol of Honolulu with a State Senate Proclamation.  Over 100 individuals were in attendance, including a majority from both Senate and Lower House, USO Hawaii corporate and community supporters, volunteers and USO Hawaii Advisory Council members.

USO Hawaii will also be hosting its inaugural USO Gala Tribute on April 16th!  Honolulu’s historic Washington Place, the former residence of a dozen of Hawai’i governors and the last Hawaiian monarch, Queen Lili’uokalani, will be hosting.  Proceeds will be used to support program and morale services for our military and their families.  Expected to attend are command, flag officers, and enlisted military personnel from various service branches on the islands. Governor Lingle will deliver a congratulatory message at the Gala Tribute, with LTG Benjamin Mixon as Keynote Speaker.  Tickets are still available; call the center for more details!

(L-R) CMDCM Earl Gray, MSN Ryan Thompson, MA2 Jeffrey Clark, Chief Randy Basat, MA1 Michael Britton, MA1 Larry Hardison, CS1 Dusty Barnes, and Base Commander-Joint Basing, Captain Richard Kitchens at the Senate Legislative Recognition event at the Hawaii State Capitol. The event honored USO Hawaii for their outstanding contribution to the morale and programs services that benefit our U.S. Armed Forces in Hawaii.

There’s a new T-wall at Camp Virginia, Kuwait.  The staff wanted to honor and encourage the volunteers, so volunteers were asked to create and pain their own wall.  Thank you to all of our volunteers for your hard work, dedication, assistance, friendship and love – you did an awesome job with the T-wall!

These are just some of the volunteers at USO Camp Virginia who made this T-wall possible.

USO Vicenza recently celebrated their grand reopening with food, refreshments, and a cake cutting. AFN was present to cover the event (see the video below) as was the USAG Vicenza Outlook newspaper.

Manager Glenn Gibbs welcomed everyone to “their” Center.  The literal reopening of the doors, symbolized the reopening of a Center that belongs to the community.  We’re so proud of USO Vicenza’s continued commitment to serving their neighbors and our troops!

USO staff Torie Gotaas and Glenn Gibbs (center) pose in front of the cake with staff and volunteers.

more about “[VIDEO] USO Grand Reopening 20100405“, posted with vodpod

Letters Back Home – Special Kid Edition

It’s a little bit hard to read, but we thought the sentiments expressed on this handwritten note addressed to one USO were just too precious to pass up!

A family from El Paso, Texas, was stranded for 40 hours while awaiting a flight to Germany to go see family. Doc and Steve – USO regulars – went to the store to purchase eggs and some goodies for an Easter basket. They even conducted an Easter egg hunt for the little one in the Terminal!

Way to go, USO of Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey.  You really made a difference.

Easter Compliment