Preparedness Division


The Preparedness Division has three major program areas:

National Security Programs


The Continuity Programs assure that essential functions can continue uninterrupted under all conditions. Continuity Programs include identifying and training personnel to sustain the essential functions of the Department.  The office maintains alternate operating sites and assures that the Department has the appropriate communication capabilities. In addition, we provide guidance and technical assistance to the Operating Administrations for continuity programs and plans.

Partner Agencies

The Federal Emergency Management Agency and other Federal departments and agencies.


  • Office of the Secretary
  • Crisis Management Center
  • Operating Administrations and their regional offices
  • Department of Homeland Security

Major Projects

  • Inter and intra-agency Communications Tests
  • Maintain the Department's COOP Plans
  • Recurring training and exercises
  • Participate in interagency leadership forums on continuity issues.  
Title Name

Associate Director

Charles Benard

Deputy Program Manager

Carlos Marrero

International Preparedness Programs


Within the functional areas of the Office of Intelligence, Security and Emergency Response, International Emergency Response Programs are responsible for overarching coordination and management of the Department’s participation in international preparedness and response efforts.  This includes coordinating the Federal transportation component of all US government efforts addressing the management of international programs, and supporting Inter-departmental programs that develop plans and appropriate technical arrangements for transportation services in response to international crises and disasters.

NATO Civil Emergency Planning / Transport Group (CEP/TG)

The NATO CEP/TG and the related sub-groups, comprised of representatives and civil transportation experts from NATO member and partner nations, are responsible for the civil emergency planning process to acquire and deploy transportation resources to support NATO operations.  This emergency planning process is accomplished in coordination with other United States Federal departments and agencies, and with NATO member and partner nations, as well as with NATO Military Authorities.  The planning process includes relevant crisis management arrangements, training and exercises for the planners and civil experts.  The program manager serves as the United States direct representative in the NATO Transport Group for Civil Aviation and coordinates US participation in the other transport subgroups to promote the national interest and provide leadership to resolve relevant issues in the acquisition and deployment of civil aviation resources and services. 

US/China Transportation Forum, Disaster Assistance Working Group

In fulfilling the mandates of the US/China Transportation Forum, DOT participates with counterparts from the Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China in disaster preparedness, research and coordination activities with the goal of improving transportation services to victims of disasters in both nations.  The group exchanges best practices and other valuable insights through meetings, workshops, and individual and group exchanges with members from both nations.  By learning from both common and unique experiences, both nations are continually able to improve plans and protocols in the event of a future disaster cause.

DOT cooperation with Department of State Conflict and Stability Operations (CSO) Initiative

In implementing the concepts of NSPD-44, DOT joined the interagency partnership established by Congress and headed by Department of State’s Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization (S/CRS).  As one of nine partner Federal Agencies, DOT supports policy and program discussions regarding augmentation efforts to U.S. Embassy Country Teams.  DOT provides appropriate and available resources as requested and funded for the implementation of transportation initiatives in failing or rebuilding states to support National Security Objectives.  DOT supports the Civilian Response Corps (CRC) and other activities of the DOS Bureau of Conflict and Stability Operations (CSO).

US/Canada Emergency Preparedness Committee

S-60 works with Transport Canada on mutually supporting cross-border transportation activities.  A joint US/Canada Emergency Planning Committee for Civil Transportation (EPCCT), which includes representatives from DOT Office of the Secretary, the Operating Administrations and appropriate Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinators develops, assesses, and reviews policy procedures related to border transportation initiatives.  Representatives from the Departments of State and Homeland Security participate in the EPCCT discussions and activities.


In addition, International Programs represents the Department in committees and working groups for civil emergency response planning in other bilateral and multi-lateral forums, such as the Beyond the Borders Initiative, the Asian Pacific Economic Forum, the Organization for Economic Cooperation in Europe, the Organization for American States, and other groups.

Partner Agencies

  • Departments of State
  • Department of Defense
  • Homeland Security
  • Department of Commerce
  • Other Federal Agencies
  • US Institute for Peace are the principal partner agencies

Stake Holders

United States Government and its population; NATO Military Authorities; 50 NATO member and partner nations and other nations as directed by the North Atlantic Council and others as may be directed by the United States national authorities, nations receiving assistance under the DOS Conflict and Stability Operations Programs, the Asian Pacific Economic Forum, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and transport ministries of Canada and China.

Major Projects

  • Development of DOT staff to provide meaningful and effective assistance and advice in the international crisis arena.
  • Plans for acquisition and deployment of transportation resources to support the military engaged in NATO operations.
  • Monitoring the insurance market indemnification arrangements to ensure that airlift capability to support NATO operations is not impeded by a lack of war risk insurance.
  • Training for transportation experts to apply their expertise in international crisis management situations, including the NATO Rapid Reaction Teams and Civilian Response Corps members.
  • Annual disaster preparedness workshops with China’s Ministry of Transport.
  • Participation in Conflict and Stability Operations per terms of agreement and within the capabilities and mandates of the Department of Transportation.
  • Work with emergency management leadership of Transport Canada to address common emergency preparedness and response areas of interest.
Title Name

Associate Director

Janet Benini

Senior Advisor

Lloyd Milburn

Air Cargo Movements Expert

Bruce Graha

Passenger Movement Expert

Eithne Clark


Lisa DeDecker

Carole Panuccio

Stephen VanBeek

Training and Exercise Program


The program objective is to sustain a robust training and exercise program based upon all-hazards emergency management to meet all preparedness, response, and recovery needs, including those for COOP/COG and the regional emergency transportation program.  This program integrates the requirements of the National Response Framework (NRF) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS) into DOT policies, plans, and programs. Additionally, it tests and validates these documents through training and exercises.  The Program Manager participates in the planning, conduct and evaluation of inter-agency exercises and prepares DOT representatives (up to and including the Secretary, as appropriate) for participation in major exercises.  The Program Manager also represents the Department at all interagency training and exercise meetings and the National Security Staff (NSS) Domestic Resiliency Group (DRG) Exercise and Evaluation Sub-Interagency Policy Committee (E & E Sub-IPC) meetings. Lastly the Program Manager is assisting in the development of DOT training requirements for the new National Security Professional Development program (under Executive Order 13434) and Reconstruction/Stabilization training requirements of National Security Presidential Decision (NSPD - 44).

Partner Agencies

  • Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
  • and other Federal departments and agencies.


  • Operating Administrations
  • DOT Senior Officials
  • Interagency community
Title Name

Program Manager

Jennifer Roberson

Deputy Program Manager

Brian Marko


Updated: Tuesday, July 3, 2012