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March 9, 2005 TGDC Meeting - Preliminary Reports


Prioritization of Resolutions from January Meeting & NIST Strategy (Mark Skall)


Preliminary Report: NIST Approach to Usability and Accessibility Requirements for the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG) 1 (Sharon Laskowski)


Preliminary Report: NIST Approach to VVPAT Requirements for the VVSG 1 (John Wack)


Preliminary Report: NIST Approach to Wireless Requirements for the VVSG 1 (David Cypher)


Preliminary Report: NIST Approach to Software Distribution and Setup Validation for the VVSG 1 (Nelson Hastings)


Preliminary Report & Discussion: NIST's Interim Conformance Clause and Glossary for the VVSG 1 (Lynne Rosenthal)


Preliminary Report: NIST Approach to Direct and Indirect Verification for the VVSG 1 (John Kelsey)


Preliminary Report: NIST Approach to Security Testing for the VVSG 1 (John Kelsey)


Documents Pertaining to the VVSG 2

Disposition of the Requirements from the 2002 VSS

Change Track Revisions to VSS Volume 1, Chapter 4

Change Track Revisions to VSS Volume II, Chapter 5

Voting Process Model

Core Requirements & Testing : Testing and Transparency Section

Core Requirements & Testing: Rationale Section

Core requirements and testing: Product Standards

Draft Electronic Voting System Security Controls

Security Testing of Voting Systems