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Information Systems Group


The Information Systems Group (775.02) develops and validates novel computational methods, data/knowledge mining tools, and semantic services using systems-based approaches, to advance measurement science and standards in areas such as complex biological systems, translational medicine, materials discovery, and voting, thus improving the transparency and efficacy of decision support systems.

Group Leader: Mary Brady


Metrics for Manipulation and Enhancements of Forensic Images—Latent fingerprints are, by definition, left unintentionally and are obtained using diverse physical and chemical techniques. It follows that the initial fingerprint image quality can be very poor. …

Computational Science in Biometrology—Computational Science in Biological Metrology (CS in Bio Metrology) project is about Computational Science and Biology Delivering Measurements with Statistical Significance and Repeatability. The …


General Information:
Mary Brady, Group Leader
301-975-4094 Telephone
301-975-6097 Facsimile

100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8970
Gaithersburg, MD 20899