LEGACY - OCR publications


  1. C. L. Wilson, R. A. Wilkinson, M. D. Garris, " Self-Organizing Neural Network Character Recognition on a Massively Parallel Computer," Proceedings of the IJCNN, Vol. II, San Diego, CA, June 1990.

  2. M. D. Garris, R. A. Wilkinson, C. L. Wilson, " Analysis of a Biologically Motivated Neural Network for Character Recognition," Proceedings: Analysis of Neural Network Applications, ACM Press, George Mason University, May 1991.

  3. R. A. Wilkinson. " Segmenting Text Images with Massively Parallel Machines." In D. P. Casasent, editor, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision, volume 1607, pages 312-323. SPIE, Boston, Massachusetts, 1991.

  4. M. D. Garris, R. A. Wilkinson, C. L. Wilson, " Methods for Enhancing Neural Network Handwritten Character Recognition," published in International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vol. 1, IEEE, Seattle, July 1991.

  5. C. L. Wilson and J. L. Blue. "Neural Network Methods Applied to Character Recognition." In Social Science Computer Review, volume 10, pages, 173-195, 1992.

  6. P. J. Grother. "Cross Validation Comparison of NIST OCR Databases," in D. P. D'Amato, editor, volume 1906, SPIE, San Jose, 1993 and Technical Report NISTIR 5123 , January 1992.

  7. M. D. Garris, C. L. Wilson, J. L. Blue, G. T. Candela, P. Grother, S. Janet, and R. A. Wilkinson. "Massively Parallel Implementation of Character Recognition Systems."In Conference on Character Recognition and Digitizer Technologies, volume 1661, pages 269-280, SPIE, San Jose, California, February 1992., and Technical Report NISTIR 4750 , January 1992.

  8. M. D. Garris and C. L. Wilson. " A Neural Approach to Concurrent Character Segmentation and Recognition ." In Southcon '92 Conference Record, pages 154-159, IEEE, Orlando, Florida, March 1992.

  9. M. D. Garris. " A Platform for Evolving Genetic Automata for Text Segmentation (GNATS) ." In Science of Artificial Neural Networks, volume 1710, pages 714-724, SPIE, Orlando, Florida, April 1992.

  10. M. D. Garris and C. L. Wilson. "Reject Mechanisms for Massively Parallel Neural Network Character Recognition Systems." In Su-Shing Chen, editor, Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing, volume 1766. SPIE, San Diego, California, 1992, and Technical Report NISTIR 4863 , June, 1992.

  11. R. A. Wilkinson, J. Geist, S. Janet, P. J. Grother, C. J. C. Burges, R. Creecy, B. Hammond, J. J. Hull, N. J. Larsen, T. P. Vogle, and C. L. Wilson. "The First Optical Character Recognition Systems Conference." Technical Report NISTIR 4912 , August 1992

  12. R. A. Wilkinson and M. D. Garris. "Comparison of Massively Parallel Hand-Print Segmentors." In D. P. Casasent, editor, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, volume 1825. SPIE, Boston, Massachusetts, 1992 and Technical Report NISTIR 4923 , September 1992.

  13. R. A. Wilkinson, M. D. Garris, and C. L. Wilson. "Using Self-Organizing Recognition as a Mechanism for Rejecting Segmentation Errors." In D. P. Casasent, editor, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, volume 1825. SPIE, Boston, Massachusetts, 1992 and Technical Report NISTIR 4938 , October 1992.

  14. M. D. Garris, S. A. Janet. "NIST Scoring Package User's Guide - Release 1.0," Technical Report NISTIR 4950 , October 1992. 

  15. M. D. Garris. " Design and Collection of a Handwriting Sample Image Database," Social Science Computing Journal, volume 10, pages, 196-214, 1992.

  16. J. Geist and R. A. Wilkinson. "OCR Error Rate Versus Rejection Rate for Isolated Handprint Characters," in D. P. D'Amato, editor, volume 1906. SPIE, San Jose, CA, 1993 and Technical Report NISTIR 4990 , December 1992.

  17. C. L. Wilson. " Evaluation of Character Recognition Systems," In Neural Networks for Signal Processing III, IEEE, New York, pp. 485-496 1993.

  18. C. L. Wilson. "Effectiveness of Feature and Classifier Algorithms in Character Recognition Systems," Technical Report NISTIR 4995 , December 1992 and In D. P. D'Amato, editor, Volume 1906. SPIE, San Jose, CA, 1993.

  19. R. A. Wilkinson, M. D. Garris, J. C. Geist. "Machine-Assisted Human Classification of Segmented Characters for OCR Testing and Training," Technical Report NISTIR 5105 , December, 1992 and In D. P. D'Amato, editor, volume 1906. SPIE, San Jose, CA, 1993.

  20. M. D. Garris. "Methods for Evaluating the Performance of Systems Intended to Recognize Characters from Image Data Scanned from Forms," Technical Report NISTIR 5129 , February 1993.

  21. M. D. Garris. "NIST Scoring Package Certification Procedures in Conjunction with NIST Special Databases 2 and 6," Technical Report NISTIR 5173 , April 1993.

  22. R. A. Wilkinson. "Dictionary Production for Census Form Conference," Technical Report NISTIR 5180 , April 1993.

  23. P. J. Grother, G. T. Candela. "Comparison of Handprinted Digit Classifiers," Technical Report NISTIR 5209 , June 1993.

  24. J. L. Blue, G. T. Candela, P. J. Grother, R. Chellappa, C. L. Wilson, J. D. Blue. " Evaluation of Pattern Classifiers for Fingerprint and OCR Application," in Pattern Recognition, 27, pp. 485-501, 1994.

  25. M. D. Garris. "NIST Scoring Package Cross-Reference for use with NIST Internal Reports 4950 and 5129," Technical Report NISTIR 5249 , August 1993.

  26. M. D. Garris. " Design, Collection, and Analysis of Handwriting Sample Image Databases," , Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, volume 31, supplement 16, Marcel Dekker, N.Y., pp. 189-213, 1994.

  27. M. D. Garris. " Correlated Run Length Algorithm (CURL) for Detecting Form Structure Within Digitized Documents,", published in the Third Annual Symposium of Document Analysis and Information Retrieval (UNLV), Las Vegas, NV, pp. 413-424, April 1994.

  28. M. D. Garris. "Unconstrained Handprint Recognition Using a Limited Lexicon," Technical Report NISTIR 5310 , December 1993 and published in Document Recognition IS&T/SPIE 1994 International Symposium of Electronic Imaging: Science & Technology, San Jose, CA, February 1994.

  29. M. D. Garris, D. L. Dimmick. "Evaluating Form Designs for Optical Character Recognition," Technical Report NISTIR 5364 , February 1994.

  30. J. Geist, R. A. Wilkinson, S. Janet, P. J. Grother, B. Hammond, N. W. Larsen, R. M. Klear, C. J. C. Burges, R. Creecy, J. J. Hull, T. P. Vogl, C. L. Wilson. "The Second Census Optical Character Recongition Systems Conference," Technical Report NISTIR 5452, June 1994. NISTIR 5452.

  31. M. D. Garris, J. L. Blue, G. T. Candela, D. L. Dimmick, J. Geist, P. J. Grother,S. A. Janet, C. L. Wilson, "NIST Form-Based Handprint Recognition System," Technical Report NISTIR 5469 , July 1994.

  32. C. L. Wilson, P. J. Grother, C. S. Barnes, "Binary Decision Clustering for Neural Network Based OCR," Technical Report NISTIR 5542 and Journal Pattern Recogniton, December 1994.

  33. M. D. Garris, J. L. Blue, G. T. Candela, D. L. Dimmick, J. C. Geist, P. J. Grother, S. A. Janet, C. L. Wilson, " Public Domain Optical Character Recognition " SPIE, Document Recognition II, pp. 2-14, San Jose, February 1995.

  34. M. D. Garris, J. L. Blue, G. T. Candela, D. L. Dimmick, J. Geist, P. J. Grother, S. A. Janet, C. L. Wilson, " Off-line Handwriting Recognition from Forms ," published in IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 2783-2788, Vancouver, Oct. 1995.

  35. C. L. Wilson, R. A. Wilkinson, M. D. Garris. "Self-Organizing Neural Network Character Recognition Using Adaptive Filtering and Feature Extraction," In Progress in Neural Networks, Volume 3, pages 295-313, 1995.

  36. M. D. Garris, " Evaluating Spatial Correspondence of Zones in Document Recognition Systems ," published in IEEE International Confernce on Image Processing, Washington DC, 1995.

  37. C. L. Wilson, J. L. Blue, O. M. Omidvar, "Improving Neural Network Performance for Character and Fingerprint Classification by Altering Network Dynamics," published in World Congress on Neural Networks Proceedings, II, pgs. 151-158, July '95, Washington, DC., and Technical Report NISTIR 5695 , July 1995.

  38. M. D. Garris, P. J. Grother, "Generalized Form Registration Using Structure-Based Techniques," published in Proceedings of 5th Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval, pp. 321-334, April 1996 and Technical Report NISTIR 5726 , Nov. 1995.

  39. M. D. Garris, "Method and Evaluation of Character Stroke Preservation on Handprint Recognition," Technical Report NISTIR 5687 , July 13 1995 and published in SPIE, Document Recognition III, pp. 321-332, San Jose, January 1996.

  40. M. D. Garris, D. L. Dimmick, " Form Design for High Accuracy Optical Character Recognition ," published in IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, June 1996.

  41. M. D. Garris, "Component-Based Handprint Segmentation Using Adaptive Writing Style Model", Technical Report NISTIR 5843 , May 1996.

  42. C. L. Wilson, J. Geist, M. D. Garris, R. Chellappa, "Design, Integration, and Evaluation of Form-Based Handprint and OCR Systems," Technical Report NISTIR 5932 , December 1996.

  43. M. D. Garris, J. L. Blue, G. T. Candela, P. J. Grother, S. A. Janet, C. L. Wilson, "NIST Form-Based Handprint Recognition System (Release 2.0)," Technical Report NISTIR 5959 , January 1997.

  44. M. D. Garris, S. A. Janet, W. W. Klein, "NIST Special Database 25 Volume 1- Federal Register Document Image Database," Technical Report NISTIR 6245 , December 1998.

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