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Spacecraft Engineering


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Spacecraft Engineering Department (SED), Code 8200: Under the Naval Center for Space Technology (NCST), the SED serves as the focal point for the Navy's in-house spacecraft bus capability. Research and development activities range from concept and feasibility studies through initial on orbit space systems operation. Design, assembly, and test activities are performed in conjunction with NCST's Space Systems Development Department (SSDD). The SED provides analysis, design, and hardware expertise in structures and mechanisms, attitude determination and control systems, propulsion and reaction control systems, thermal control systems, satellite integration and test, launch vehicle integration, and satellite-to-boost-stage integration.

The SED functions as the Program Manager for Navy Space Programs. In this role, systems engineering and technical directions are provided while maintaining an active in-house satellite development capability. The SED performs as a prototype laboratory in this role and ensures that designs are transferable to industry for follow-on satellite builds. The facilities include: Spacecraft Vibration Test Facility, Modal Survey Test Facility, Robotics Engineering and Controls Laboratory, and Radio Frequency Anechoic Chamber.

Organizationally, the SED includes four branches:

Code 8210 - Design, Test and Processing Branch designs, fabricates, and tests NCST spacecraft hardware and provides systems engineering support for new spacecraft proposals. The Branch has start-to-finish responsibility for the mechanical components of NCST spacecraft.

Code 8220 - Systems Analysis Branch provides mechanical engineering analysis and integrated conceptual design, conducts applied research in spacecraft engineering, develops prototype hardware, and develops and integrates experimental payloads.

Code 8230 - Control Systems Branch develops attitude control, reaction control, and propulsion systems for all NRL satellites. Code 8230 also performs analysis in navigation, tracking, and orbit dynamics.

Code 8240 - Space Electronics Systems Development Branch designs and implements space system concepts and antenna systems, uses radio frequency in the development and assimilation of antenna systems for NCST, builds electromechanical systems, and employs real-time flight software and embedded command control.

8240   Space Electronics System Development


US Naval Research Lab
4555 Overlook Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20375
Department of the Navy --- Office of Naval Research --- Navy Recruiting -- FOIA
Privacy Policy This is an official U.S. Navy web site Code 8200

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