USDA Forest Service Celebrating Wildflowers


Developing Native Plant Materials for Restoration

Species Selection

Two overlaid pictures: foreground is closeup of grasses growing along a roadside, and background is a forest road with wildflowers growing on its cutbank.

The native species most appropriate for a particular planting project depends on important site factors such as moisture, light, and nutrient availability. Planting a diversity of species is usually desirable, and may make sites more resistant to weed invasion and establishment. Information and resources that help identify the best choice of native species to use in a project include:

  • The species already growing on the site
  • Other nearby sites with similar environmental conditions
  • Local plant experts
  • Literature on local flora and plant communities
  • Historical records
small sprouting plant.

The species most commonly used in revegetation projects are referred to as “workhorse” species. These include species, such as mountain brome or blue wild rye in the western United States, that are quick to establish and can grow well on disturbed sites with little assistance from irrigation or fertilizer.

When large quantities of plant materials are needed, an additional important consideration in species selection is the ability to propagate plants in a nursery or seed increase field. Propagation methods for many native plant species are unknown or poorly understood. Forest Service researchers and other scientists are working to develop more effective seed treatments, and germination and propagation protocols.

Three pictures: left is woman kneeling among rows of plants in a field, center is five men and two women kneeling and standing along a row of plants in field, and right is two standing women collecting seed.
Scenes depicting wildland collection and field production of native grass and forb seed. Wildland-collected seed can be used directly in restoration projects, or established in production fields to generate larger quantities of seed.

For more information about native plant species and their attributes, visit:

Three pictures: first is a field of orange flowers, center is a woman standing in a field of white flowers, and third is a row of yellow flowers in a nursery.
Seed production fields for yarrow and other native forb species. Including both native grass and forb species in restoration seed mixes helps promote the development of diverse and weed resistant plant communities.

U.S. Forest Service
Rangeland Management
Botany Program

1400 Independence Ave., SW, Mailstop Code: 1103
Washington DC 20250-1103 logo

Last modified: Wednesday, 13-Oct-2010 14:33:00 EDT