USDA Forest Service Celebrating Wildflowers



Viewing Areas

Xanthoria parietina. Photo by Terry Fennell.

You can find lichens just about anywhere in the United States, as long as you are in good lichen habitat. The best places to look for lichens are in natural areas away from cities and highways. Lichens are found in a great diversity of habitats throughout the country. National Forests and Grasslands are great places to look for lichens.

Although some places are not lichen-specific viewing spots, there will always be some great lichens to see, as long as you know how to look for them. If you cannot find interesting lichen, at least you will be in a beautiful place.

Find Celebrating Wildflower events, wildflower viewing areas, and wildflower photographs by Forest Service Region using the map and links below.

By Forest Service Region...

A map of the Unites States displaying the USDA Forest Service Regions. Select a Region on this map to display Celebrating Wildflower events, wildflower viewing areas, and wildflower photographs. Alternative text links are below this map. Pacific Southwest Region Celebrating  Wildflower events, wildflower viewing areas, and wildflower photographs. Alaska Region Celebrating  Wildflower events, wildflower viewing areas, and wildflower photographs. Southern Region Celebrating  Wildflower events, wildflower viewing areas, and wildflower photographs. Pacific Northwest Region Celebrating  Wildflower events, wildflower viewing areas, and wildflower photographs. Pacific Southwest Region Celebrating  Wildflower events, wildflower viewing areas, and wildflower photographs. Northern Region Celebrating  Wildflower events, wildflower viewing areas, and wildflower photographs. Intermountain Region Celebrating  Wildflower events, wildflower viewing areas, and wildflower photographs. Rocky Mountain Region Celebrating  Wildflower events, wildflower viewing areas, and wildflower photographs. Southwestern Region Celebrating  Wildflower events, wildflower viewing areas, and wildflower photographs. Eastern Region Celebrating  Wildflower events, wildflower viewing areas, and wildflower photographs. Southern Region Celebrating  Wildflower events, wildflower viewing areas, and wildflower photographs.

Lichens Glossary »

U.S. Forest Service
Rangeland Management
Botany Program

1400 Independence Ave., SW, Mailstop Code: 1103
Washington DC 20250-1103 logo

Last modified: Wednesday, 13-Oct-2010 14:32:01 EDT