4. Processing Payroll

Management System: Budget and Financial Management

Subject Area: Accounting

Procedure 4. Processing Payroll

Subject Matter Expert: KATHY BRADEN
Management System Owner: JUDY PENRY
Secondary Management System Owner: MARY SUNDERLAND

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Issue Date:  07/09/2012
SCMS Revision:  3.5

1.0 Applicability

This procedure applies to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) timekeepers and employees who are entering time into Automated Time Attendance and Production System (ATAAPS) and the SC Integrated Support Center (ISC) Payroll Liaison with DOE Headquarters (HQ). The SC ISC Manager through the certifying officials designates timekeepers. The Payroll Liaison is designated by the SC ISC Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The Department’s Payroll Processing is outsourced to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), the Accounting arm of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). Payroll is processed on a biweekly schedule using ATAAPS.

2.0 Required Procedure

For Timekeeping – Required Procedure, go to Step 1

For Payroll Processing - Required Procedure, go to Step 4

Timekeeping – Required Procedure
Step 1

The timekeeper/employee:

  • Establishes employee profile in ATAAPS, and

  • Enters time on a daily basis.

Step 2 The certifying official approves employee’s time on the Tuesday following the close of the pay period as provided in DOE O 322.1C, Pay and Leave Administration and Hours of Duty.
Step 3 The timekeeper/employee processes amendments in a timely manner.
Payroll Processing - Required Procedure
Step 4 The HQ’s payroll liaison logs into ATAAPS and runs default labor on the 1st Monday of the new payroll week in order to populate the timesheets. Any employee work schedule changes should be made prior to running default labor.
Step 5 The SC ISC payroll liaison runs reports from the ATAAPS system to make sure no employees are missing time and that supervisors have certified the time, beginning on the 1st Tuesday of the new payroll week.

NOTE: Choose the “Inquires” menu item and run “Employees Missing Time” and “Uncertified Employees” Reports.

Step 6 The SC ISC payroll liaison contacts timekeepers and employees who have missing time to request completion of the timesheet.
Step 7
  • The SC ISC payroll liaison runs the two reports listed in Step 5 and contacts timekeepers and employees who have uncertified time or missing time on the 1st Wednesday of the new payroll week.

  • HQ Payroll notifies the SC ISC payroll liaisons, timekeepers and employees, and certifying officials of any uncertified time.

Step 8

The SC ISC payroll liaison confirms there are no employees missing time and all employees are certified on Thursday morning.

NOTE: Confirmation process uses the same reports listed in Step 5 .

3.0 References

This is the online OFFICIAL SCMS COPY of this file. Before using a printed copy, verify that it is the most current version by checking the Last Major Revision and Last Minor Revision dates (at the bottom of each document) on the SCMS Web site.

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Filename: \ORBIT\OrbitSearch\SubjArea\ACC\ACC_Pro4.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 03/08/2011