Office of Science (SC) Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities (FRA) Document

Management System: Environment, Safety, and Health

Program Description:  Office of Science (SC) Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities (FRA) Document

Management System Owner: PATRICK SMITH
Secondary Management System Owner:     KARL MORO
Subject Matter Expert: PATRICK SMITH

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Issue Date:  01/10/2012
SCMS Revision:  2.0

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Organization

3.0 Delegated Authorities

Table 1, SC FRA Summary Table

4.0 Change Control

1.0 Introduction

To satisfy the requirements of DOE O 450.2, Integrated Safety Management, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) Environment, Safety and Health (ES&H) Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities (FRA) are summarized in this document and are described in further detail within the relevant SC Management System (SCMS) Subject Areas and associated directives, laws, and regulations. The SCMS includes the functions that are fundamental to safely manage the SC work scope and SC’s responsibilities and authorities for discharging those safety management functions.

Responsibilities for the safety functions applicable to SC are defined in the DOE Directives and laws and regulations.  The Director, Office of Science (SC‑1), assigns certain safety functions and associated responsibilities and delegates certain authorities to subordinate Headquarters (HQ) organization positions by letter, typically to specific individuals. Delegation of nuclear safety authorities are made by letter to specific individuals in accordance with DOE O 450.2.  This SC FRA document does not repeat or restate all of the responsibilities and requirements that are in the DOE Directives and Laws and Regulations; therefore, this SC FRA document, SCMS, DOE Directives, and applicable laws and regulations must be used in concert.

Each SC field element organization (SC Site Offices and the SC Integrated Support Center) develops its own FRA document to detail its safety management functions, responsibilities, and delegated authorities in accordance with DOE O 450.2.

For the purposes of this document, the term “safety” is used synonymously with environment, safety, and health (ES&H) to encompass protection of the public, the workers, and the environment.

2.0 Organization

The Under Secretary for Science (S-4), reporting directly to the Secretary of Energy, maintains a coordinating cognizance over all DOE Laboratories, including those whose contracts are managed by the Office of Science and the other program offices within DOE. The Director of the Office of Science (SC-1) reports directly to S-4. SC operations are managed by several organizations within Headquarters (HQ) under the direction of the Deputy Director for Science Programs (SC-2) and the Deputy Director for Resource Management (SC-4), and in the field under the direction of the Deputy Director for Field Operations (SC‑3) Office, including SC Site Offices and the SC Integrated Support Center (SC‑ISC). The SCMS MSD describe the organization, reporting relationships, roles, and responsibilities for the various organizations within SC.

SC is structured to differentiate the HQ functions, which are assigned to the organizational elements responsible for policy setting, direction, and scientific leadership, from functions assigned to the Field in terms of implementation, execution, and operations. The SC Organization Chart provides SC’s currently approved organization.

3.0 Delegated Authorities

Table 1, Office of Science Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities, summarizes safety management functions applicable to SC along with the responsibilities of SC‑1 and subordinate Headquarters (HQ) organization positions. Current Office of Science Delegation letters, including those to the Field Elements, are maintained on the SCMS Web site.

The Functions and Controlling Media column identifies functional areas and the specific DOE Directives, regulations, or other requirements derived from accepted standards or commitments that apply to each functional area. The Responsibilities columns summarize assigned responsibilities associated with these functions for each of the three SC principals (e.g., SC‑1, SC‑2, and SC‑3). Detailed requirements, roles, and responsibilities are found in the referenced controlling media and delegation letters. Each SC organization is expected to be aware of its roles and responsibilities for the assigned functions and to take the necessary actions as defined in the authorities/requirements. Each SC Field Element organization (i.e. Site Office and ISC) is to develop a FRA document that delineate functions, responsibilities, and authorities appropriate for their operations.

Delegations of authority to individuals will be done in accordance with DOE O 450.2, Appendix A. Delegations to organizational positions are unaffected by a change of personnel in the position to which the delegation has been made. Each delegation remains in effect until rescinded or modified by SC‑1. Delegated safety responsibilities and authorities related to nuclear facilities will be reviewed and verified annually to ensure that the necessary capability and capacity to perform the delegated responsibilities/authorities exists.

4.0 Change Control

SC‑3 manages the change control process at the direction of SC‑1. The Office of Science Management System (SCMS) ES&H Management System Owner (MSO) is responsible for maintaining the SC FRA document. This document will be updated, as appropriate, to reflect changes in safety related Departmental and SC organizational structures and functions and programmatic responsibilities and requirements. The SCMS ES&H MSO is responsible for reviewing changes in reference documents, organizational assignments, and other materials; for revising the SC FRA document accordingly; and posting it on the SC Web site. At a minimum, this document will be reviewed and updated annually to ensure alignment with SC organizational and programmatic responsibilities.

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Filename: /OrbitSearch/ProgDesc/SCFRA/SCFRA_PD.cfm
Last Major SCMS Revision: 01/10/2012