Conserving the Nature of America

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RV volunteers, Moapa Valley Refuge, NV

Manatee watch, Chassahowitzka Refuge, FL

Fence removal, Desert Refuge, NV

Assisting with banding

Trash removal, Edwin B Forsythe Refuge, NJ

Volunteers in Action
Jessica Flory
Jessica Flory, right, with younger sister Hailey, wears a dress she made of scraps found on the beach to call attention to marine debris and its toll on wildlife. Learn more.
Credit: Becky Flory

IMAGINE banding birds at a national wildlife refuge, raising fish at a national fish hatchery, conducting wildlife surveys, leading a tour, or restoring fragile habitat.

With close to 42,000 volunteers contributing in excess of 1.5 million hours, our volunteers perform a wide variety of tasks. Some work full-time, some just a few hours a week or month, or during a particular season or special event.


Our volunteers are individuals who want to give back to their communities, parents who want to be good stewards of the land and set examples for their children, retired people willing to share their wealth of knowledge, concerned citizens of all ages who want to learn more about conservation, and passionate people who enjoy the outdoors and want to spread the word about America's greatest natural treasures.


Generally, no special skills are required to be a volunteer. On-the-job training is provided as needed. Individual talents and skills are matched with volunteer interests and work opportunities. The following opportunities may be available on a refuge near you:
  • conducting fish and wildlife population surveys
  • lead tours and provide information to school groups and other visitors
  • assisting with laboratory research, improve habitat such as re-establishing native plants along a riverbank
  • help with special projects such as banding ducks
  • performing clerical and administrative duties
  • working with computers and other technical equipment
  • photograph natural and cultural resources
  • fight invasive species

Volunteer Pass Threshold Lowered to 250 Hours

Updated - Residental Opportunities

Last updated: January 29, 2013
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