Here you can find articles published by International Affairs, our partners and other relevant publications.


In 2013, the Service published its Winter Edition of FWS News, casting a spotlight on CITES and its 40th Anniversary. To read all of the CITES spotlight, click here pdf. To read the entire issue of the Winter edition of FWS News or to read back issues, click here. To read individual articles, please see the links below.

CITES - CITES 101 pdf, Claire Hood, Fish and Wildlife News Winter 2013, page 14

CITES - Interview with Marshall Jones pdf, Claire Cassel, Fish and Wildlife News Winter 2013, page 13, 15

CITES - Interview with Lee Talbot pdf, Claire Cassel, Fish and Wildlife News Winter 2013, page 13, 16

CITES - Shell Shocked: Trade in Turtles Threatens Species pdf, Thomas Leuteritz and Bruce Weissgold, Fish and Wildlife News Winter 2013, page 17-18

CITES - Partnering to Conserve Native Species pdf, Patricia de Angelis and Anne St. John, Fish and Wildlife News Winter 2013, page 20-21

CITES - 40 Years of CITES at a Glance pdf, Fish and Wildlife News Winter 2013, page 22-23

CoP16 - CITES CoP16: What Will Make the Headlines? pdf, Claire Hood, Fish and Wildlife News Winter 2013, page 18-19


Climate Change - Wildlife Without Borders Supports Carbon Sequestration in Sumatra pdf, Kimmy Kraeer, Fish and Wildlife News Summer Edition, page 2

Mexico - Canada-U.S.-Mexico Trilateral Committee pdf, Anne Usher, Fish and Wildlife News Summer Edition, page 2-3

Chambered Nautilus - Counting Shells, Jaime Joyce, TIME For Kids

Tigers - Smart Patrols: Protecting Tigers in Thailand’s Western Forest Complex pdf, Kurt A. Johnson, Fish and Wildlife News Winter/Spring Edition, page 6

Wetlands - International Wetlands Convention Celebrates World Wetlands Day pdf, Ethan Taylor, Fish and Wildlife News Winter/Spring Edition, page 9


Strategic Planning - The Service’s Strategic Plan for International Conservation pdf, Rachel Penrod, Fish and Wildlife News Fall Edition, page 4

Partnerships - Service partners with Go Ape USA to Raise Awareness for Great Ape Conservation pdf, Rachel Penrod, Fish and Wildlife News Fall Edition, page 25

Save Vanishing Species Stamp - Make a global conservation impact: Save Vanishing Species Semipostal Stamp Was Issued pdf, Tracy O'Toole, Fish and Wildlife News Fall Edition, page 34

Russia - Russian Parks Officials Study How U.S. Manages Protected Areas, Domenick DiPasquale,Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State


Wildlife Without Borders - Working with People to Conserve Nature, Dr. Herbert Raffaele, Endangered Species Bulletin

Wildlife Without Borders - Beyond Borders, Rachel Penrod and Dr. Michelle Gadd, Endangered Species Bulletin

Marine Turtles - Sea Turtles Bring People and Nations Together, Earl Possardt, Endangered Species Bulletin

Mexico- Two Nations, One Goal, Melida Tajbakhsh, Endangered Species Bulletin

Africa - Africa's Wildlife and the Bushmeat Crisis, Dr. Richard Ruggiero, Endangered Species Bulletin

Cross River Gorilla - Conserving the Most Endangered Gorilla, Aaron Nicholas, Andrew Dunn, and Dirck Byler, Endangered Species Bulletin

African Elephants - Elephant Damage, DNA, and Dung, Dr. Michelle Gadd, Endangered Species Bulletin

Wetlands - Ramsar and the Ugly Duckling of Ecosystems, Ira Seligman, Endangered Species Bulletin

Cross-Cutting Issues - Conservation for Human and Ecological Health, Dr. Meenakshi Nagendran, Endangered Species Bulletin

Asian Elephants - Making Enemies into Allies, Belinda Stewart-Cox, Endangered Species Bulletin

Latin America and the Caribbean - Jewels of the Rainforest, Sarah Gannon-Nagle, Endangered Species Bulletin

Tigers - The Tigers of Bangladesh, Christina J. Greenwood and Ishtiaq Uddin Ahmad, Endangered Species Bulletin

Javan Rhinoceros - Enhancing the Survival of the Javan Rhino, Dr. Susie Ellis, Endangered Species Bulletin

Russia - U.S. and Russia Unite for Conservation, Steven Kohl, Endangered Species Bulletin

Russia - Arctic Wildlife Benefits from U.S.-Russian Conservation Efforts, Domenick DiPasquale, Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State

Russia - Arctic Wildlife: Joint U.S.-Russia Conservation Efforts (Podcast), Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State

Latin America and the Caribbean - Building a Voice for Nature in Latin America and the Caribbean, Sarah Gannon-Nagle, Endangered Species Bulletin

CITES - CITES and Free Trade Agreements, Anne St. John, Endangered Species Bulletin

Amphibians in Decline - Amphibians in Decline Fund


CITES - CITES Supports Sustainable Use, Kenneth Stansell, Endangered Species Bulletin, September 2005, page 4 pdf

CITES - Fact or Fiction: CITES and the ESA, Tim Van Norman, Endangered Species Bulletin, September 2005, page 8 pdf

CITES - Partnerships for Alligator Recovery and Trade, Clif Horton and Bruce Weissgold, Endangered Species Bulletin, September 2005, page 10 pdf

CITES - Sustainble Use for Vicuna Conservation, Michael Kreger, Endangered Species Bulletin, September 2005, page 12 pdf

CITES - The Role of CITES in Orchid Conservation, Roddy Gabel, Endangered Species Bulletin, September 2005, page 14 pdf

CITES - Managing the Trade in Sturgeon and Paddlefish, Laura Noguchi and Marie Maltese, Endangered Species Bulletin, September 2005, page 16 pdf

CITES - Enforcement Starts with Wildlife Inspectors, Sandra Cleva, Endangered Species Bulletin, September 2005, page 18 pdf

CITES - Room at the Table: Voices of NGOs, Mary Maruca, Endangered Species Bulletin, September 2005, page 20 pdf

CITES - Species Conservation Under Appendix I, Maggie Tieger, Endangered Species Bulletin, September 2005, page 22 pdf

CITES - Mushrooms and the Future of CITES, Peter Thomas Endangered Species Bulletin, September 2005, page 24 pdf


Division of International Conservation - Wildlife Knows No Borders, Nicholas Throckmorton, Fish & Wildlife News, Spring 2003, page 40 pdf

Mexico - From Argali to Bighorn, Bruce Palmer, Fish & Wildlife News, Winter 2002-2003, pages 11-12 pdf


Russia - Polar Bears Benefit from U.S.-Russia Agreement, Endangered Species Bulletin, November-December 2000, page 18 pdf

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