Series Report Data Retrieval Tool

This tutorial will help you to use the Series Report Data Retrieval tool. If you already know the series ID for the data you want to extract, you can use this tool.

Start by clicking on the Databases & Tables tab on the BLS Homepage.


Click on the Series Report link located near the top on the left menu


For example, the Consumer Price Index series ID for All Urban Consumers, US City Average, All Items, not seasonally adjusted, with a base period of 1982 to 1984 equal to 100 is: CUUR0000SA0

Enter series ID in the box. You may enter more than one series id per session—one series per line.

If you periodically get updates for the same series, you may make a text file of series IDs, and cut and paste them into the box when needed. Series IDs need not be from the same BLS program.

Click on "Next" button at the bottom of the page to go to the Formatting Options page.


On the Formatting Options page, you may change the view of your data, e.g., select the Multi-series table view option if you entered a group of series IDs, change the start or end dates, add percent change calculations, or format the file as comma or tab delimited text for easy import into a spreadsheet. Click the "Retrieve Data" button.


The output displays in a table.


This concludes the tutorial. Thank you for visiting the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ website.