Reflecting the Views of the U.S. Government as Broadcast on The Voice of America

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Video Punto de Vista 284: Sports Diplomacy

Punto de Vista 284: Sports Diplomacy

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Somali journalists, in Mogadishu on Jan. 27, 2013, demand the release of Abdiaziz Abdinur Ibrahim, who was arrested after reporting on an alleged rape case involving government soldiers.

Audio Somali Justice Questioned In Rape Case

U.S. concerned regarding conviction of a young woman for perjury because she complained that she had been raped by Somali police. More


Relatives mourn over the coffins of people killed in a bombing in Bulgaria as the remains arrived back at an airport in Tel Aviv, Israel, July 20, 2012.

Audio Hezbollah Responsible For Burgas Attack

“Hezbollah’s dangerous and destabilizing activities. . . . threaten the safety and security of nations around the world.” More

Middle East

Arrested Iranian journalists

Audio Iran Intensifies Persecution Of Journalists

The Iranian regime has waged its most intensive campaign against freedom of expression since the disputed presidential election of 2009. More

Human Rights

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (R) holds a joint news conference with Japan's Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida after their meeting at the State Department in Washington, January 18, 2013.

Audio U.S. - Japan Alliance Remains Cornerstone

Regarding the Senkaku islands, Secretary Clinton reiterated the U.S. desire to see the parties peacefully resolve the matter through dialogue. More

Rewards For Fugitives
Makawi and Abdelbasit

Makawi and Abdelbasit

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