Jered Karr

About Me

I have always loved animals (see above picture).  I really like birds, lizards and moose. I am so excited that I get to study them understand a small fraction of why we see what we see in nature. That is why I am a paleontologist (or at least say I am).

Contact information

Email : jkarr( at )

Phone: 707-332-0275

Office: Earth & Marine Sciences Building D206

Address: Earth and Planetary Sciences UC Santa Cruz

1156 High St

Santa Cruz, CA 95064


Jered Karr is a graduate student at UC Santa Cruz. He is working with Paul Koch. (Enough third person). I am interested in the effects that ecology and environment have had on evolution. My current research is looking at the ecology of herbivores in eastern Beringia. I am using stable isotopes of Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon to piece together the climatic conditions during the last ice ages in Eastern Beringia as experienced by herbivores.

Another project I have been working on is looking at the constraints on the evolution of the insects. I have been working on this project with Matthew Clapham.  The main focus is size constraints. We have been doing this with a comprehensive database based on published literature. We are currently in the process of importing our database into the Paleobiology Database.
