Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

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1000 - Federal Deposit Insurance Act


(1)  RULEMAKING AUTHORITY OF CORPORATION.--The Corporation may prescribe such regulations as the Corporation determines to be appropriate regarding the conduct of conservatorships or receiverships.


(A)  SUCCESSOR TO INSTITUTION.--The Corporation shall, as conservator or receiver, and by operation of law, succeed to--

(i)  all rights, titles, powers, and privileges of the insured depository institution, and of any stockholder, member, accountholder, depositor, officer, or director of such institution with respect to the institution and the assets of the institution; and

(ii)  title to the books, records, and assets of any previous conservator or other legal custodian of such institution.

(B)  OPERATE THE INSTITUTION.--The Corporation may (subject to the provisions of section 40), as conservator or receiver--

(i)  take over the assets of and operate the insured depository institution with all the powers of the members or shareholders, the directors, and the officers of the institution and conduct all business of the institution;

(ii)  collect all obligations and money due the institution;

(iii)  perform all functions of the institution in the name of the institution which are consistent with the appointment as conservator or receiver; and

(iv)  preserve and conserve the assets and property of such institution.

(C)  FUNCTIONS OF INSTITUTION'S OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, AND SHAREHOLDERS.--The Corporation may, by regulation or order, provide for the exercise of any function by any member or stockholder, director, or officer of any insured depository institution for which the Corporation has been appointed conservator or receiver.

(D)  POWERS AS CONSERVATOR.--The Corporation may, as conservator, take such action as may be--

(i)  necessary to put the insured depository institution in a sound and solvent condition; and

(ii)  appropriate to carry on the business of the institution and preserve and conserve the assets and property of the institution.

(E)  ADDITIONAL POWERS AS RECEIVER.--The Corporation may (subject to the provisions of section 40), as receiver, place the insured depository institution in liquidation and proceed to realize upon the assets of the institution, having due regard to the conditions of credit in the locality.

(F)  ORGANIZATION OF NEW INSTITUTIONS.--The Corporation may, as receiver, with respect to any insured depository institution, organize a new depository institution under subsection (m) or a bridge depository institution under subsection (n).


(i)  IN GENERAL.--The Corporation may, as conservator or receiver--

(I)  merge the insured depository institution with another insured depository institution; or

(II)  subject to clause (ii), transfer any asset or liability of the institution in default (including assets and liabilities associated with any trust business) without any approval, assignment, or consent with respect to such transfer.

(ii)  APPROVAL BY APPROPRIATE FEDERAL BANKING AGENCY.--No transfer described in clause (i)(II) may be made to another depository institution (other than a new depository institution or a bridge depository institution established pursuant to subsection (m) or (n)) without the approval of the appropriate Federal banking agency for such institution.

(H)  PAYMENT OF VALID OBLIGATIONS.--The Corporation, as conservator or receiver, shall pay all valid obligations of the insured depository institution in accordance with the prescriptions and limitations of this Act.


(i)  IN GENERAL.--The Corporation may, as conservator, receiver, or exclusive manager and for purposes of carrying out any power, authority, or duty with respect to an insured depository institution (including determining any claim against the institution and determining and realizing upon any asset of any person in the course of collecting money due the institution), exercise any power established under section 8(n), and the provisions of such section shall apply with respect to the exercise of any such power under this subparagraph in the same manner as such provisions apply under such section.

(ii)  AUTHORITY OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS.--A subpoena or subpoena duces tecum may be issued under clause (i) only by, or with the written approval of, the Board of Directors or their designees (or, in the case of subpoena or subpoena duces tecum issued by the Resolution Trust Corporation under this subparagraph and section 21A(b)(4), only by, or with the written approval of, the Board of Directors of such Corporation or their designees).

(iii)  RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.--This subsection shall not be construed as limiting any rights that the Corporation, in any capacity, might otherwise have under section 10(c) of this Act.

(J)  INCIDENTAL POWERS.--The Corporation may, as conservator or receiver--

(i)  exercise all powers and authorities specifically granted to conservators or receivers, respectively, under this Act and such incidental powers as shall be necessary to carry out such powers; and

(ii)  take any action authorized by this Act, which the Corporation determines is in the best interests of the depository institution, its depositors, or the Corporation.

(K)  UTILIZATION OF PRIVATE SECTOR.--In carrying out its responsibilities in the management and disposition of assets from insured depository institutions, as conservator, receiver, or in its corporate capacity, the Corporation shall utilize the services of private persons, including real estate and loan portfolio asset management, property management, auction marketing, legal, and brokerage services, only if such services are available in the private sector and the Corporation determines utilization of such services is the most practicable, efficient, and cost effective.


(A)  IN GENERAL.--The Corporation may, as receiver, determine claims in accordance with the requirements of this subsection and regulations prescribed under paragraph (4).

(B)  NOTICE REQUIREMENTS.--The receiver, in any case involving the liquidation or winding up of the affairs of a closed depository institution, shall--

(i)  promptly publish a notice to the depository institution's creditors to present their claims, together with proof, to the receiver by a date specified in the notice which shall be not less than 90 days after the publication of such notice; and

(ii)  republish such notice approximately 1 month and 2 months, respectively, after the publication under clause (i).

(C)  MAILING REQUIRED.--The receiver shall mail a notice similar to the notice published under subparagraph (B)(i) at the time of such publication to any creditor shown on the institution's books--

(i)  at the creditor's last address appearing in such books; or

(ii)  upon discovery of the name and address of a claimant not appearing on the institution's books within 30 days after the discovery of such name and address.


(A)  IN GENERAL.--The Corporation may prescribe regulations regarding the allowance or disallowance of claims by the receiver and providing for administrative determination of claims and review of such determination.


(i)  IN GENERAL.--In the handling of receiverships of insured depository institutions, to maintain essential liquidity and to prevent financial disruption, the Corporation may, after the declaration of an institution's insolvency, settle all uninsured and unsecured claims on the receivership with a final settlement payment which shall constitute full payment and disposition of the Corporation's obligations to such claimants.

(ii)  FINAL SETTLEMENT PAYMENT.--For purposes of clause (i), a final settlement payment shall be payment of an amount equal to the product of the final settlement payment rate and the amount of the uninsured and unsecured claim on the receivership; and

(iii)  FINAL SETTLEMENT PAYMENT RATE.--For purposes of clause (ii), the final settlement payment rate shall be a percentage rate reflecting an average of the Corporation's receivership recovery experience, determined by the Corporation in such a way that over such time period as the Corporation may deem appropriate, the Corporation in total will receive no more or less than it would have received in total as a general creditor standing in the place of insured depositors in each specific receivership.

(iv)  CORPORATION AUTHORITY.--The Corporation may undertake such supervisory actions and promulgate such regulations as may be necessary to assure that the requirements of this section can be implemented with respect to each insured depository institution in the event of its insolvency.



(i)  IN GENERAL.--Before the end of the 180-day period beginning on the date any claim against a depository institution is filed with the Corporation as receiver, the Corporation shall determine whether to allow or disallow the claim and shall notify the claimant of any determination with respect to such claim.

(ii)  EXTENSION OF TIME.--The period described in clause (i) may be extended by a written agreement between the claimant and the Corporation.

(iii)  MAILING OF NOTICE SUFFICIENT.--The requirements of clause (i) shall be deemed to be satisfied if the notice of any determination with respect to any claim is mailed to the last address of the claimant which appears--

(I)  on the depository institution's books;

(II)  in the claim filed by the claimant; or

(III)  in documents submitted in proof of the claim.

(iv)  CONTENTS OF NOTICE OF DISALLOWANCE.--If any claim filed under clause (i) is disallowed, the notice to the claimant shall contain--

(I)  a statement of each reason for the disallowance; and

(II)  the procedures available for obtaining agency review of the determination to disallow the claim or judicial determination of the claim.

(B)  ALLOWANCE OF PROVEN CLAIM.--The receiver shall allow any claim received on or before the date specified in the notice published under paragraph (3)(B)(i) by the receiver from any claimant which is proved to the satisfaction of the receiver.


(i)  IN GENERAL.--Except as provided in clause (ii), claims filed after the date specified in the notice published under paragraph (3)(B)(i) shall be disallowed and such disallowance shall be final.

(ii)  CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS.--Clause (i) shall not apply with respect to any claim filed by any claimant after the date specified in the notice published under paragraph (3)(B)(i) and such claim may be considered by the receiver if--

(I)  the claimant did not receive notice of the appointment of the receiver in time to file such claim before such date; and

(II)  such claim is filed in time to permit payment of such claim.


(i)  IN GENERAL.--The receiver may disallow any portion of any claim by a creditor or claim of security, preference, or priority which is not proved to the satisfaction of the receiver.

(ii)  PAYMENTS TO LESS THAN FULLY SECURED CREDITORS.-- In the case of a claim of a creditor against an insured depository institution which is secured by any property or other asset of such institution, any receiver appointed for any insured depository institution--

(I)  may treat the portion of such claim which exceeds an amount equal to the fair market value of such property or other asset as an unsecured claim against the institution; and

(II)  may not make any payment with respect to such unsecured portion of the claim other than in connection with the disposition of all claims of unsecured creditors of the institution.

(iii)  EXCEPTIONS.--No provision of this paragraph shall apply with respect to--

(I)  any extension of credit from any Federal home loan bank or Federal Reserve bank to any insured depository institution; or

(II)  any security interest in the assets of the institution securing any such extension of credit.

(E)  NO JUDICIAL REVIEW OF DETERMINATION PURSUANT TO SUBPARAGRAPH (D).--No court may review the Corporation's determination pursuant to subparagraph (D) to disallow a claim.


(i)  STATUTE OF LIMITATION TOLLED.--For purposes of any applicable statute of limitations, the filing of a claim with the receiver shall constitute a commencement of an action.

(ii)  NO PREJUDICE TO OTHER ACTIONS.--Subject to paragraph (12), the filing of a claim with the receiver shall not prejudice any right of the claimant to continue any action which was filed before the appointment of the receiver.


(A)  IN GENERAL.--Before the end of the 60-day period beginning on the earlier of--

(i)  the end of the period described in paragraph (5)(A)(i) with respect to any claim against a depository institution for which the Corporation is receiver; or

(ii)  the date of any notice of disallowance of such claim pursuant to paragraph (5)(A)(i),

the claimant may request administrative review of the claim in accordance with subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (7) or file suit on such claim (or continue an action commenced before the appointment of the receiver) in the district or territorial court of the United States for the district within which the depository institution's principal place of business is located or the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (and such court shall have jurisdiction to hear such claim).

(B)  STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.--If any claimant fails to--

(i)  request administrative review of any claim in accordance with subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (7); or

(ii)  file suit on such claim (or continue an action commenced before the appointment of the receiver),

before the end of the 60-day period described in subparagraph (A), the claim shall be deemed to be disallowed (other than any portion of such claim which was allowed by the receiver) as of the end of such period, such disallowance shall be final, and the claimant shall have no further rights or remedies with respect to such claim.


(A)  ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING.--If any claimant requests review under this subparagraph in lieu of filing or continuing any action under paragraph (6) and the Corporation agrees to such request, the Corporation shall consider the claim after opportunity for a hearing on the record. The final determination of the Corporation with respect to such claim shall be subject to judicial review under chapter 7 of title 5, United States Code.


(i)  IN GENERAL.--The Corporation shall also establish such alternative dispute resolution processes as may be appropriate for the resolution of claims filed under paragraph (5)(A)(i).

(ii)  CRITERIA.--In establishing alternative dispute resolution processes, the Corporation shall strive for procedures which are expeditious, fair, independent, and low cost.

(iii)  VOLUNTARY BINDING OR NONBINDING PROCEDURES.--The Corporation may establish both binding and nonbinding processes, which may be conducted by any government or private party, but all parties, including the claimant and the Corporation, must agree to the use of the process in a particular case.

(iv)  CONSIDERATION OF INCENTIVES.--The Corporation shall seek to develop incentives for claimants to participate in the alternative dispute resolution process.


(A)  ESTABLISHMENT REQUIRED.--The Corporation shall establish a procedure for expedited relief outside of the routine claims process established under paragraph (5) for claimants who--

(i)  allege the existence of legally valid and enforceable or perfected security interests in assets of any depository institution for which the Corporation has been appointed receiver; and

(ii)  allege that irreparable injury will occur if the routine claims procedure is followed.

(B)  DETERMINATION PERIOD.--Before the end of the 90-day period beginning on the date any claim is filed in accordance with the procedures established pursuant to subparagraph (A), the Corporation shall--

(i)  determine--

(I)  whether to allow or disallow such claim; or

(II)  whether such claim should be determined pursuant to the procedures established pursuant to paragraph (5); and

(ii)  notify the claimant of the determination, and if the claim is disallowed, provide a statement of each reason for the disallowance and the procedure for obtaining agency review or judicial determination.

(C)  PERIOD FOR FILING OR RENEWING SUIT.--Any claimant who files a request for expedited relief shall be permitted to file a suit, or to continue a suit filed before the appointment of the receiver, seeking a determination of the claimant's rights with respect to such security interest after the earlier of--

(i)  the end of the 90-day period beginning on the date of the filing of a request for expedited relief; or

(ii)  the date the Corporation denies the claim.

(D)  STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.--If an action described in subparagraph (C) is not filed, or the motion to renew a previously filed suit is not made, before the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date on which such action or motion may be filed in accordance with subparagraph (B), the claim shall be deemed to be disallowed as of the end of such period (other than any portion of such claim which was allowed by the receiver), such disallowance shall be final, and the claimant shall have no further rights or remedies with respect to such claim.


(i)  STATUTE OF LIMITATION TOLLED.--For purposes of any applicable statute of limitations, the filing of a claim with the receiver shall constitute a commencement of an action.

(ii)  NO PREJUDICE TO OTHER ACTIONS.--Subject to paragraph (12), the filing of a claim with the receiver shall not prejudice any right of the claimant to continue any action which was filed before the appointment of the receiver.


(A)  REQUIREMENTS.--Except as provided in subparagraph (B), any agreement which does not meet the requirements set forth in section 13(e) shall not form the basis of, or substantially comprise, a claim against the receiver or the Corporation.

(B)  EXCEPTION TO CONTEMPORANEOUS EXECUTION REQUIREMENT.--Notwithstanding section 13(e)(2), any agreement relating to an extension of credit between a Federal home loan bank or Federal Reserve bank and any insured depository institution which was executed before the extension of credit by such bank to such institution shall be treated as having been executed contemporaneously with such extension of credit for purposes of subparagraph (A).


(A)  IN GENERAL.--The receiver may, in the receiver's discretion and to the extent funds are available, pay creditor claims which are allowed by the receiver, approved by the Corporation pursuant to a final determination pursuant to paragraph (7) or (8), or determined by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction in such manner and amounts as are authorized under this Act.

(B)  PAYMENT OF DIVIDENDS ON CLAIMS.--The receiver may, in the receiver's sole discretion, pay dividends on proved claims at any time, and no liability shall attach to the Corporation (in such Corporation's corporate capacity or as receiver), by reason of any such payment, for failure to pay dividends to a claimant whose claim is not proved at the time of any such payment.

(C)  RULEMAKING AUTHORITY OF CORPORATION.--The Corporation may prescribe such rules, including definitions of terms, as it deems appropriate to establish a single uniform interest rate for or to make payments of post insolvency interest to creditors holding proven claims against the receivership estates of insured Federal or State depository institutions following satisfaction by the receiver of the principal amount of all creditor claims.


(A)  IN GENERAL.--Subject to section 5(e)(2)(C), amounts realized from the liquidation or other resolution of any insured depository institution by any receiver appointed for such institution shall be distributed to pay claims (other than secured claims to the extent of any such security) in the following order of priority:

(i)  Administrative expenses of the receiver.

(ii)  Any deposit liability of the institution.

(iii)  Any other general or senior liability of the institution (which is not a liability described in clause (iv) or (v)).

(iv)  Any obligation subordinated to depositors or general creditors (which is not an obligation described in clause (v)).

(v)  Any obligation to shareholders or members arising as a result of their status as shareholders or members (including any depository institution holding company or any shareholder or creditor of such company).


(i)  IN GENERAL.--The provisions of subparagraph (A) shall not supersede the law of any State except to the extent such law is inconsistent with the provisions of such subparagraph, and then only to the extent of the inconsistency.

(ii)  Procedure for determination of inconsistency.--Upon the Corporation's own motion or upon the request of any person with a claim described in subparagraph (A) or any State which is submitted to the Corporation in accordance with procedures which the Corporation shall prescribe, the Corporation shall determine whether any provision of the law of any State is inconsistent with any provision of subparagraph (A) and the extent of any such inconsistency.

(iii)  JUDICIAL REVIEW.--The final determination of the Corporation under clause (ii) shall be subject to judicial review under chapter 7 of title 5, United States Code.

(C)  ACCOUNTING REPORT.--Any distribution by the Corporation in connection with any claim described in subparagraph (A)(v) shall be accompanied by the accounting report required under paragraph (15)(B).


(A)  IN GENERAL.--After the appointment of a conservator or receiver for an insured depository institution, the conservator or receiver may request a stay for a period not to exceed--

(i)  45 days, in the case of any conservator; and

(ii)  90 days, in the case of any receiver, in any judicial action or proceeding to which such institution is or becomes a party.

(B)  GRANT OF STAY BY ALL COURTS REQUIRED.--Upon receipt of a request by any conservator or receiver pursuant to subparagraph (A) for a stay of any judicial action or proceeding in any court with jurisdiction of such action or proceeding, the court shall grant such stay as to all parties.


(A)  PRIOR FINAL ADJUDICATION.--The Corporation shall abide by any final unappealable judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction which was rendered before the appointment of the Corporation as conservator or receiver.

(B)  RIGHTS AND REMEDIES OF CONSERVATOR OR RECEIVER.--In the event of any appealable judgment, the Corporation as conservator or receiver shall--

(i)  have all the rights and remedies available to the insured depository institution (before the appointment of such conservator or receiver) and the Corporation in its corporate capacity, including removal to Federal court and all appellate rights; and

(ii)  not be required to post any bond in order to pursue such remedies.

(C)  NO ATTACHMENT OR EXECUTION.--No attachment or execution may issue by any court upon assets in the possession of the receiver.

(D)  LIMITATION ON JUDICIAL REVIEW.--Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, no court shall have jurisdiction over--

(i)  any claim or action for payment from, or any action seeking a determination of rights with respect to, the assets of any depository institution for which the Corporation has been appointed receiver, including assets which the Corporation may acquire from itself as such receiver; or

(ii)  any claim relating to any act or omission of such institution or the Corporation as receiver.

(E)  DISPOSITION OF ASSETS.--In exercising any right, power, privilege, or authority as conservator or receiver in connection with any sale or disposition of assets of any insured depository institution for which the Corporation has been appointed conservator or receiver, including any sale or disposition of assets acquired by the Corporation under section 13(d)(1), the Corporation shall conduct its operations in a manner which--

(i)  maximizes the net present value return from the sale or disposition of such assets;

(ii)  minimizes the amount of any loss realized in the resolution of cases;

(iii)  ensures adequate competition and fair and consistent treatment of offerors;

(iv)  prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, sex, or ethnic groups in the solicitation and consideration of offers; and

(v)  maximizes the preservation of the availability and affordability of residential real property for low- and moderate-income individuals.


(A)  IN GENERAL.--Notwithstanding any provision of any contract, the applicable statute of limitations with regard to any action brought by the Corporation as conservator or receiver shall be--

(i)  in the case of any contract claim, the longer of--

(I)  the 6-year period beginning on the date the claim accrues; or

(II)  the period applicable under State law; and

(ii)  in the case of any tort claim (other than a claim which is subject to section 21A(b)(14) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act), the longer of--

(I)  the 3-year period beginning on the date the claim accrues; or

(II)  the period applicable under State law.

(B)  DETERMINATION OF THE DATE ON WHICH A CLAIM ACCRUES.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the date on which the statute of limitations begins to run on any claim described in such subparagraph shall be the later of--

(i)  the date of the appointment of the Corporation as conservator or receiver; or

(ii)  the date on which the cause of action accrues.


(i)  IN GENERAL.--In the case of any tort claim described in clause (ii) for which the statute of limitation applicable under State law with respect to such claim has expired not more than 5 years before the appointment of the Corporation as conservator or receiver, the Corporation may bring an action as conservator or receiver on such claim without regard to the expiration of the statute of limitation applicable under State law.

(ii)  CLAIMS DESCRIBED.--A tort claim referred to in clause (i) is a claim arising from fraud, intentional misconduct resulting in unjust enrichment, or intentional misconduct resulting in substantial loss to the institution.


(A)  IN GENERAL.--The Corporation as conservator or receiver shall, consistent with the accounting and reporting practices and procedures established by the Corporation, maintain a full accounting of each conservatorship and receivership or other disposition of institutions in default.

(B)  ANNUAL ACCOUNTING OR REPORT.--With respect to each conservatorship or receivership to which the Corporation was appointed, the Corporation shall make an annual accounting or report, as appropriate, available to the Secretary of the Treasury, the Comptroller General of the United States, and the authority which appointed the Corporation as conservator or receiver.

(C)  AVAILABILITY OF REPORTS.--Any report prepared pursuant to subparagraph (B) shall be made available by the Corporation upon request to any shareholder of the depository institution for which the Corporation was appointed conservator or receiver or any other member of the public.


(i)  IN GENERAL.--Except as provided in clause (ii), after the end of the 6-year period; and beginning on the date the Corporation is appointed as receiver of an insured depository institution, the Corporation may destroy any records of such institution which the Corporation, in the Corporation's discretion, determines to be unnecessary unless directed not to do so by a court of competent jurisdiction or governmental agency, or prohibited by law.

(ii)  OLD RECORDS.--Notwithstanding clause (i), the Corporation may destroy records of an insured depository institution which are at least 10 years old as of the date on which the Corporation is appointed as the receiver of such depository institution in accordance with clause (i) at any time after such appointment is final, without regard to the 6-year period of limitation contained in clause (i).


(A)  IN GENERAL.--The Corporation may enter into contracts with any State housing finance authority for the sale of mortgage-related assets (as such terms are defined in section 1301 of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989) of any depository institution in default (including assets and liabilities associated with any trust business), such contracts to be effective in accordance with their terms without any further approval, assignment, or consent with respect thereto.

(B)  FACTORS TO CONSIDER.--In evaluating the disposition of mortgage-related assets to any State housing finance authority the Corporation shall consider--

(i)  the State housing finance authority's ability to acquire and service current, delinquent, and defaulted mortgage-related assets;

(ii)  the State housing finance authority's ability to further national housing policies;

(iii)  the State housing finance authority's sensitivity to the impact of the sale of mortgage-related assets upon the State and local communities;

(iv)  the costs to the Federal Government associated with alternative ownership or disposition of the mortgage-related assets;

(v)  the minimization of future guaranties which may be required of the Federal Government;

(vi)  the maximization of mortgage-related asset values; and

(vii)  the utilization of institutions currently established in mortgage-related asset market activities.


(A)  IN GENERAL.--The Corporation, as conservator or receiver for any insured depository institution, and any conservator appointed by the Comptroller of the Currency may avoid a transfer of any interest of an institution-affiliated party, or any person who the Corporation or conservator determines is a debtor of the institution, in property, or any obligation incurred by such party or person, that was made within 5 years of the date on which the Corporation or conservator was appointed conservator or receiver if such party or person voluntarily or involuntarily made such transfer or incurred such liability with the intent to hinder, delay, or defraud the insured depository institution, the Corporation or other conservator, or any other appropriate Federal banking agency.

(B)  RIGHT OF RECOVERY.--To the extent a transfer is avoided under subparagraph (A), the Corporation or any conservator described in such subparagraph may recover, for the benefit of the insured depository institution, the property transferred, or, if a court so orders, the value of such property (at the time of such transfer) from--

(i)  the initial transferee of such transfer or the institution-affiliated party or person for whose benefit such transfer was made; or

(ii)  any immediate or mediate transferee of any such initial transferee.

(C)   RIGHTS OF TRANSFEREE OR OBLIGEE.--The Corporation or any conservator described in subparagraph (A) may not recover under subparagraph (B) from--

(i)  any transferee that takes for value, including satisfaction or securing of a present or antecedent debt, in good faith; or

(ii)  any immediate or mediate good faith transferee of such transferee.

(D)  RIGHTS UNDER THIS PARAGRAPH.--The rights under this paragraph of the Corporation and any conservator described in subparagraph (A) shall be superior to any rights of a trustee or any other party (other than any party which is a Federal agency) under title 11, United States Code.

(18)  ATTACHMENT OF ASSETS AND OTHER INJUNCTIVE RELIEF.--Subject to paragraph (19), any court of competent jurisdiction may, at the request of--

(A)  the Corporation (in the Corporation's capacity as conservator or receiver for any insured depository institution or in the Corporation's corporate capacity with respect to any asset acquired or liability assumed by the Corporation under section 11, 12, or 13); or

(B)  any conservator appointed by the Comptroller of the Currency,

issue an order in accordance with Rule 65 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, including an order placing the assets of any person designated by the Corporation or such conservator under the control of the court and appointing a trustee to hold such assets.

(19)  STANDARDS.--

(A)  SHOWING.--Rule 65 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure shall apply with respect to any proceeding under paragraph (18) without regard to the requirement of such rule that the applicant show that the injury, loss, or damage is irreparable and immediate.

(B)  STATE PROCEEDING.--If, in the case of any proceeding in a State court, the court determines that rules of civil procedure available under the laws of such State provide substantially similar protections to such party's right to due process as Rule 65 (as modified with respect to such proceeding by subparagraph (A)), the relief sought by the Corporation or a conservator pursuant to paragraph (18) may be requested under the laws of such State.

(20)  TREATMENT OF CLAIMS ARISING FROM BREACH OF CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE RECEIVER OR CONSERVATOR.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, any final and unappealable judgment for monetary damages entered against a receiver or conservator for an insured depository institution for the breach of an agreement executed or approved by such receiver or conservator after the date of its appointment shall be paid as an administrative expense of the receiver or conservator. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the power of a receiver or conservator to exercise any rights under contract or law, including to terminate, breach, cancel, or otherwise discontinue such agreement.

[Codified to 12 U.S.C. 1821(d)]

[Source:  Section 2[11(d)] of the Act of September 21, 1950 (Pub. L. No. 797; 64 Stat. 884), effective September 21, 1950, as amended by section 212(a) of title II of the Act of August 9, 1989 (Pub. L. No. 101--73; 103 Stat. 222), effective August 9, 1989; sections 2521(a)(1), 2528(a), and 2534(a) of title XXV of the Act of November 29, 1990 (Pub. L. No. 101--647; 104 Stat. 4863, 4877, and 4882 respectively), effective November 29, 1990; sections 123(a), 141(b), and 161(a) of title I, section 241(c) of title II, and sections 416 and 426 of title IV of the Act of December 19, 1991 (Pub. L. No. 102--242; 105 Stat. 2252, 2277, 2285, 2331, 2376, and 2378, respectively), effective December 19, 1991; sections 1603(e)(1), 1604(c)(2), and 1606(c) of title XVI of the Act of October 28, 1992 (Pub. L. No. 102--550; 106 Stat. 4081, 4083, and 4088), effective December 19, 1991; section 3001(a) of title III of the Act of August 10, 1993 (Pub. L. No. 103--66; 107 Stat. 336), effective August 10, 1993; sections 3(d) and 4(b) of the Act of December 17, 1993 (Pub. L. No. 103--204; 107 Stat. 2379 and 2380, respectively), effective December 17, 1993; section 602(a)(22)--(25) of title VI of the Act of September 23, 1994 (Pub. L. No. 103--325; 108 Stat. 2289), effective September 23, 1994; section 201 of title II of the Act of September 29, 1994 (Pub. L. No. 103--328; 108 Stat. 2368), effective September 29, 1994; section 2602 of title II of the Act of September 30, 1996 (Pub. L. No. 104--208; 110 Stat. 3009--469), effective September 30, 1996; section 1222 of title XII of the Act of December 27, 2000 (Pub. L. No. 106--569; 114 Stat. 3036, effective December 27, 2000; section 722(g) of title VII of the Act of October 13, 2006 (Pub. L. No. 109--351; 120 Stat. 1999), effective October 13, 2006; section 1604(a)(1) of title VII of the Act of July 30, 2008 (Pub. L. No. 110--289; 122 Stat. 2826), effective July 30, 2008; section 363(5)(B) of title III of the Act of July 21, 2010 (Pub. L. No. 111--203; 124 Stat. 1552), effective July 21, 2010]

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