United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Geriatrics and Extended Care

Personal Stories

Guide to Long Term Care - Explore Your Options

Personal Stories about Shared Decision Making

These stories are fictional, but are based on real Veterans' experiences.

Mr. Peterson's Story

Mr. Peterson is a 67 year old Vietnam Veteran who served in the Army and recently had a stroke. He has some leg weakness and is currently in a rehabilitation facility. It was his first stroke, so he was put on blood thinning medicine. Although he will be discharged soon, it is not clear to what extent his leg will regain its strength. He is eager to return home where he lives alone. He is concerned he won't be able to manage everything by himself. Find out more . . .

Ms. Williams' Story

Ms. Williams is a 31 year old Operation Iraqi Freedom combat Veteran who served in the Army and suffered blast injuries. She has difficulty walking, balance problems, and trouble remembering instructions and details. She has high blood pressure. She does not feel like her "old" easygoing self, and is now quick to anger and prefers to be alone. She has been evaluated and found to have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Find out more . . .

Mr. Garcia's Story

Mr. Garcia is a 73 year old Vietnam Veteran who served in the Marines. He lives at home with his wife and was recently diagnosed with mild Alzheimer's disease. A Homemaker/Home Health Aide comes to his house twice a week to help with chores and check his blood pressure and glucose level. He has felt disoriented in his neighborhood and has forgotten the way home a few times. Find out more . . .

Mr. Jenkins' Story

Mr. Jenkins is an 88 year old WWII Veteran who served in the Navy. He's hard of hearing, has prostate cancer and has recently taken a couple of nasty falls. He's had at least 3 TIAs (transient ischemic attacks or mini-strokes) in the past year that have caused increasing problems with mobility. And, he seems to be depressed. Find out more . . .