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COMSAT Corporation, Comsat Mobile Communications and Telenor Satellite Mobile Services, Inc.
Record Documents | Applications | Background | Contacts

This page provides information on applications for consent to assignment of certain Title II common carrier authorizations and Title III radio licenses from Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunications, Comsat Corporation, and COMSAT General Corporation (collectively "COMSAT") to Telenor Satellite Mobile Services, Inc. and Telenor Satellite, Inc. ("Telenor"). COMSAT holds various earth station, Private Land Mobile Radio (PLMR), and experimental licenses, as well as international Section 214 authority.

Application File No. SES-ASG-20010504-00896 is the Lead File number for this series of applications. The application filed for the PLMR license, Application File No. 0000449956, Call Sign KB42877, is available electronically through the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's Universal Licensing System. Copies of documents in the record may also be obtained for a fee from FCC's duplicating contractor Qualex International, or may be viewed and/or copied at the FCC Reference Center.


Completed 12/18/01 - Day 208

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Record Documents

Below is a list of record documents in reverse chronological order.

Order On Reconsideration, FCC 02-207 and Statement Of Commissioner Michael J. Copps, Dissenting

Motion to Stay filed by Litigation Recovery Trust

Order and Authorization

Response To Opposition Of Telenor And Comsat To Motion For Waiver To Accept Pleading filed by Litigation Recover Trust

Supplement To Applications For Approval Of Assignments filed by Telenor Satellite Mobile Services, Inc., Telenor Satellite Inc., COMSAT Corporation and COMSAT General Corporation

Opposition To Motion For Waiver to Accept Pleading filed by Telenor Satellite Mobile Services, Inc., Telenor Satellite Inc., COMSAT Corporation and COMSAT General Corporation

Motion For Waiver to Accept Pleading filed by Litigation Recover Trust

Supplement to Petition to Deny filed by Litigation Recover Trust

Reply to Opposition to Petition to Deny filed by Litigation Recovery Trust

Opposition to the Petition to Deny and Petition for Protective Orders filed by Telenor Satellite Mobile Services, Inc., Telenor Satellite Inc., COMSAT Corporation, and COMSAT General Corporation

Letter filed by ARINC

Provisional Petition to Deny and Petition for Protective Orders filed by Litigation Recovery Trust

Joint Petition to Defer filed by the parties

Supplement to Application for Approval of Assignments filed by Telenor Satellite Mobile Services, Inc., Telenor Satellite, Inc., Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunications, and Comsat Corporation

Letter filed by Continental Airlines

Letter filed by American Seafoods Company

Letter filed by Satcom Direct, Inc.

Public Notice, Satellite Policy Branch Information, Applications Accepted For Filing COMSAT Corporation, Comsat Mobile Communications and Telenor Satellite Mobile Services, Inc., Assignment of License Applications [Word | Text]


Amended Application for Assignment of Authorization, Private Land Mobile Radio

Application For Approval of Assignments and Petition for Declaratory Ruling | Licenses and Authorization

Application For Approval of Assignments and Petition for Declaratory Ruling for Assignment of Section 214 Authority | Public Interest Statement

Application Seeking Assignment of Various Earth Station Licenses

Applications seeking Assigment of Experimental Licenses [Acrobat | Acrobat]

Application for Assignment of Authorization, Private Land Mobile Radio


The Commission has received applications for consent to assignment of certain Title II common carrier authorizations and Title III radio licenses from Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunications, Comsat Corporation, and COMSAT General Corporation (collectively "COMSAT") to Telenor Satellite Mobile Services, Inc. and Telenor Satellite, Inc. ("Telenor"). COMSAT holds various earth station, Private Land Mobile Radio (PLMR), and experimental licenses, as well as international Section 214 authority.

The proposed transaction involves the assignment of both private and common carrier Title III licenses. In addition, the assignment of the common carrier Title III licenses from COMSAT to Telenor will result in the indirect foreign ownership of the licensee, Telenor Satellite, Inc., in excess of the 25-percent foreign ownership limit in Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended ("the Act"). Telenor Broadband Service AS of Norway ("Telenor Broadband") established Telenor Satellite Mobile Services, Inc. ("TSMS") as a U.S. holding company earlier this year to serve as the proposed buyer of the Comsat Mobile Communications business from COMSAT. TSMS wholly owns Telenor Satellite, Inc., the proposed licensee. TSMS is 100% owned by Telenor Broadband, which is in turn 100% owned by Telenor ASA, a company incorporated in Norway and based in Oslo. Seventy nine percent of Telenor ASA stock is owned by the Kingdom of Norway and the remaining twenty one percent is publicly traded on the NASDAQ and Oslo Stock Exchanges. Norway is a WTO-member country.

Therefore, the Applicants request a declaratory ruling that the acquisition of these authorizations and licenses by Telenor Satellite, Inc. and the proposed operation by TSMS of the CMC business, is consistent with Section 310 of the Act and will serve the public interest. Additionally, the Applicants request that the Commission approve the assignment of various international Section 214 authorizations from COMSAT to Telenor Satellite, Inc. The Applicants request non-dominant classification for all U.S.-foreign point routes except for U.S.-Norway. The Applicants do not request streamlined processing.

Upon initial review, we find that the applications listed below are acceptable for filing. Pursuant to the Commission's rules, we may return any of these applications if we determine upon further review that they are defective or not in conformance with our rules, regulations, or policies.

Application File No. SES-ASG-20010504-00896 is the Lead File number for this series of applications. The complete list of File Numbers follows:

Experimental Licenses:


For further information contact Alexandra Field, 202-418-2064; Foreign ownership or the international Section 214 authorizations, contact Karen Onyeije, (202) 418-1757; PLMR license, contact Jeffrey Tobias, (202) 418-161; Experimental licenses, contact Carl Huie, (202) 418-2430

last reviewed/updated on 12/11/06 

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