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Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Detroit, like each of the FBI’s local field offices, has a community outreach program that complements and strengthens our many efforts to protect you, your businesses, and your families in concrete ways through a range of activities and initiatives.

Our recent activities include:

  • On November 19, 2012, the Detroit FBI office once again partnered with the Michigan Korean Chamber of Commerce to distribute more than 500 Thanksgiving turkeys to families in need prior to the holiday. The event was a wonderful opportunity to help those in the community who are less fortunate. The Detroit Police Department was also in attendance helping to distribute turkeys at the 10th Precinct. The event was organized by community outreach specialist Rhonda Kennedy and covered by the local FOX affiliate during their 5 p.m. newscast.
  • On November 7, 2012, Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Robert D. Foley, III visited the Irish American Lawyers Association and delivered remarks as a guest speaker. The topics included the top 10 priorities of the FBI on a national level and an overview of the Bureau as a whole and within the Detroit Division. The SAC discussed some of his own personal experiences and various assignments prior to arriving at the Detroit Field Office. Also, the SAC participated in a question-and-answer period with the audience. Participants expressed their interest in continuing dialogue and maintaining trust between the FBI and their community.
  • On November 2, 2012, SAC Robert D. Foley, III visited Miller Elementary School in Dearborn to participate in an anti-bullying assembly with 400 students in third through fifth grades. The students were excited to hear from the SAC regarding his own experiences, the choices they make each day, and taking pride in their different backgrounds. Students also heard from Community Outreach Specialist Bushra Alawi, who helped organize the event. The assembly was covered by the local ABC, NBC, and FOX affiliate television stations, and news reports covering the assembly aired during their 5 p.m. newscasts.

 Among our other ongoing efforts:

  • Attending town hall assemblies and meeting with minority groups and civic organizations to address key issues affecting a particular community;
  • Supporting the graduates of our Citizens’ Academies, who have joined the Alumni Association with the hopes of continuing positive dialogue and establishing other outreach initiatives to benefit our communities;
  • Serving on committees and boards for businesses, schools, and community organizations; and
  • Sponsoring Adopt-A-School programs, including the Junior Special Agent program, which places volunteers from the division inside classrooms to give students an inside look at today’s FBI.

Visit our national In Your Community website for more information about our overall outreach efforts and our work in other local FBI offices.