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Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change Division
Staff Awards & Honors

November 2007

Richard Moss Elected AAAS Fellow

Congratulations to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Dr. Richard H. Moss on being named an American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow. The AAAS is the world's largest general scientific society and publishes the journal Science. The AAAS gives the distinction of Fellow to members who have made efforts toward advancing distinguished science applications. Moss will be recognized in February 2007 at the Fellows Forum during the AAAS national meeting in Boston.

Moss, formerly with the Atmospheric Science and Global Change Division and the Joint Global Change Research Institute, is on assignment with the World Wildlife Fund as Vice President and Managing Director for Climate Change for the United States. The AAAS selected him for his "leadership in national and international assessments of climate change and development of the nation's long-term plan for integrated research to address this problem."

Moss contributed to the UN-convened Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore.  He served as the lead technical expert on the first IPCC Regional Impacts and Vulnerability Report and was co-author of the first IPCC Guidance on Uncertainty and Risk.

Moss formerly directed the Office of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program, the federal government's $1.8 billion annual research program on global environmental change. In that role, he served as technical leader for the program's strategic plan, which was endorsed by the National Academy of Sciences.  He also served on the National Research Council Panel on Assessment of NASA's Post-2002 Earth Observing Missions and served on editorial boards of scientific publications.

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