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Physical Sciences Division
Staff Awards & Honors

February 2007

Michel Dupuis Named Specialist Editor for Computer Physics Journal

Congratulations to Michel Dupuis on agreeing to another term as a specialist editor for Computer Physics Communications. Published by Elsevier, this journal contains articles on computational models in physics and physical chemistry, computer programs in physics and physical chemistry, numerical methods, algorithms and software.

As a specialist editor, a role he has held with the journal since 1998, Michel reviews articles submitted to the journal, providing comments and assistance to his colleagues around the world. He also suggests special topics and directions for upcoming issues.

The journal's editorial board asked Michel to take this role because of his thorough and insightful reviews, his impressive publication record, and his extensive knowledge of theoretical and computational chemistry. He is known for his research in developing and applying theoretical and computational chemistry methods relevant to environmental chemistry, electrochemistry, biochemistry, catalysis, and nanoscience.

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