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Physical Sciences Division
Staff Awards & Honors

December 2008

Kevin Rosso Named Virginia Tech College of Science's Outstanding Alumnus

Congratulations to Dr. Kevin Rosso of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory on being honored for his outstanding work by Virginia Tech. Each year the university's alumni association selects, from each academic college, a gifted person who has graduated in the past decade. Rosso received the award from the College of Science, from which he earned a doctoral degree in geochemistry.

Rosso is an expert in mineral-water interface geochemistry, specifically combining scanning probe microscopy and ab initio molecular modeling. He is known for his insightful models of electron transfer kinetics in environmental systems. His recent studies shine new light on the relationship between bacteria and important environmental metals, such as iron and uranium.

Further, Rosso is active in the scientific community, having written or co-written 80+ peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. He is a frequent lecturer at universities and international symposia. In addition, he is a life fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America and a member of the Geochemical Society and the American Chemical Society.

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