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Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change Division
Staff Awards & Honors

April 2009

Beat Schmid Receives Dual Honor from DOE Office of Science

Photo of Beat Schmid
Dr. Beat Schmid, foreground, points out a feature on a research aircraft used in ARM field campaigns.

Congratulations to Dr. Beat Schmid of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory who recently was honored with two awards by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.  These two awards recognize Beat's leadership contributions to the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program, a DOE multi-laboratory, interagency program for global climate change research.  The awards honored Beat's three-year terms as a member of the ARM Climate Research Facility Science Board and as leader of the ARM Program's Aerosol Working Group.

The Science Board is composed of highly respected ARM-supported scientists and the external climate research community.  During his term, Schmid reviewed large user facility proposals and made funding recommendations.  Dr. Wanda Ferrell, Program Director of the ARM Climate Research Facility, included these words on the plaque: "Your contribution has established a solid foundation for ensuring that the best quality science is conducted at the ACRF."

The Aerosol Working Group comprises national and international climate experts whose research is quantifying the impact of aerosols on clouds that affect the Earth's climate system.  Dr. Patricia M. Dehmer, Acting Associate Director of DOE's Office of Science, included these words on the award: "Because of your dynamic leadership, the Working Group has made a significant scientific contribution to the ARM program's aerosol science and climate community at large." Beat received the Working Group award at the annual ARM Science Team Meeting in April.

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