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Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change Division
Staff Awards & Honors

January 2011

PNNL Research on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Featured at Cancun International Climate Negotiations

The research of PNNL scientists Bob Dahowski, Casie Davidson, and Jim Dooley was featured at the U.S. State Department's highly interactive exhibit at the COP16 Climate Change Negotiations held in Cancun, Mexico from November 29 - December 10, 2010.  The State Department's presentation was designed to spotlight ongoing U.S. climate science and climate mitigation research.   

PNNL teamed with scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics in a five-year study of the potential for deploying CO2 transport and storage technologies in China's fast-growing industrial economy. The breakthrough work has greatly improved the scientific community's understanding of the potential for large-scale deployment of CO2 storage in China to combat climate change.

PNNL provided research highlights and graphics to StormCenter Communications Inc., who developed and delivered the exhibits and presentations on behalf of the U.S. State Department.  According to StormCenter president Dave Jones, the presentations exceeded the State Department's expectations.  In an email sent to PNNL staff Dave noted that, "Many people said that the U.S. had the best science presentations and that no one else from any other nation that had exhibits came close to having engaging content and science with regard to climate change."  He added that "The head of the U.S. State Department Press Office... said that our demonstrations were being discussed in the actual negotiations."

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