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Physical Sciences Division
Staff Awards & Honors

January 2009

Bruce D. Kay Invited to Join Journal of Chemical Physics Editorial Board

Congratulations to Dr. Bruce D. Kay of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, who accepted an invitation to join the editorial board of the Journal of Chemical Physics. As a board member, Kay will referee submissions and help monitor the journal's editorial policy in terms of scope covered and paper quality. His three-year appointment begins in January 2009.

The Journal of Chemical Physics, published by the American Institute of Physics, contains articles on research in methods and applications of traditional and newer areas of chemical physics. The Journal publishes content online daily and in 48 printed issues a year.

Kay is an international expert in condensed phase chemical kinetics and molecular dynamics. His work provides a detailed understanding of the molecular-level interactions responsible for phase transitions and catalytic reactions. Kay conducts much of his work at the Department of Energy's EMSL, a national scientific user facility at PNNL.

Kay is also known for his experience as a noted author and conscientious reviewer. Kay has written or co-written more than 120 journal articles and technical reports. He mentors many postdoctoral fellows at PNNL both in research and in preparing manuscripts for publication.

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