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Physical Sciences Division
Staff Awards & Honors

November 2007

Greg Exarhos Elected President of Prestigious Professional Society

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Dr. Greg Exarhos was elected President of the AVS: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing. Founded in 1953, this not-for-profit society was focused on vacuum science and technology, critical in the early development of vacuum tubes, enabling radio broadcasting, radar, and other technologies. Today, the society has broadened its scope to include such technologically relevant areas as surface science, electronic and magnetic materials, nanoscience, and biomaterials.

Exarhos joined the society because it provided the best forum for his work in materials science and engineering. His pioneering materials processing approaches have been recognized internationally and have opened up new venues in optical and electronic coatings, new materials designed at the nanoscale, multifunctional ceramics, and hybrid polymer composites.

In addition, Exarhos is actively involved in the operations side of the society. An AVS Fellow, he has been elected to the Board of Directors, served as Chair of the Long Range Planning Committee, and has served as Chair of numerous society-sponsored meetings. He currently serves as the Publications Chair and oversees several journals, including the new open access journal, Biointerphases, that he launched for the society in 2006.

Exarhos' election was announced at the AVS International Symposium, Seattle, Wash., in October 2007. He will begin his three-year term in January 2008.

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