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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Housing   >   HUD Office of Housing's Keywords Index
Housing's Keyword Index

Welcome to Housing's keyword index. Be sure to check HUD's site index, too. Also, if you do not see your topic listed below, try the FHA Resource Center.


 -   10 year warranty plans
 -   203(b) innsured mortgage
 -   203(k) main page
 -   203(k) appraisals
 -   203(k) commercial use
 -   203(k) consultants
 -   203k consultants search
 -   203k FAQs
 -   203(k) inspection fees
 -   203(k) rehabilitation mortgage
 -   203(k) streamlined mortgage
 -   248 mortgages for indian reservations
 -   255 reverse equity mortgage (see 'HECM')


 -   About FHA
 -   ACH - Automated Clearing House
 -   Address mismatch
 -   Address (HOCs)
 -   Adjustable rate mortgages
 -   Airport noise
 -   Aliens
 -   Annual Adjustment factors (section 8)
 -   Appraisal expiration periods
 -   Appraisal fees
 -   Appraisal for manufactured homes
 -   Appraisal forms
 -   Appraisals for 203(k)
 -   Appraisals for Hawaiian Home Lands
 -   Appraisals for HECM
 -   Appraisers page
 -   Appraiser license renewal and updates
 -   Appraiser not on the roster
 -   Appraiser required documents from lender at assignment
 -   Appraiser’s and construction category
 -   Appraiser search
 -   Approved 203k consultants
 -   Approved condos
 -   Approved inspectors
 -   Approved HOC jurisdictions
 -   Approved lender list
 -   Approved non-profits
 -   Approved planned unit developments (PUDs)
 -   APR - Annual Percentage Rate
 -   Asbestos insulation
 -   Asset sales
 -   Atlanta Homeownership Center
 -   Attic access and inspection
 -   Automated Underwriting System (AUS)
 -   Avalanche hazards
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 -   B2G on FHA Connection
 -   Basements
 -   Brokers
 -   Builder’s cert of plans, specifications, & site (Form 92541)
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 -   C & L Services, Inc.
 -   Case binder documentation requirements
 -   Cash-back refinances
 -   CCR registry
 -   Circular letters
 -   Cisterns
 -   Clearing conditions on existing homes
 -   Closing costs and other fees
 -   Code enforcement for existing properties
 -   Community sewer system
 -   Community water systems
 -   Complaints
 -   Compliance inspection fees
 -   Condominium projects not subject to ML 99-34 (Flood Zones)
 -   Condominium search for FHA-approved condos
 -   Contracting opportunities
 -   Construction definitions
 -   Construction inspections by local approved authorities
 -   Construction stages
 -   Consultants for 203(k)
 -   Counseling, Housing
 -   Crawl space
 -   Credit Alert Verification and Reporting System (CAIVRS)
 -   Credit denials
 -   Customer Service
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 -   Debenture interest rates
 -   Debt-to-income ratios
 -   Delinquency/Default Reporting
 -   Denver Homeownership Center
 -   Direct Distribution Center
 -   Direct Sales Program
 -   Disasters; Presidentially-declared
 -   Discontinuing premiums
 -   Discrimination
 -   Distributive shares
 -   Documents required from lender to appraiser at assignment (construction)
 -   Dollar homes
 -   Downpayment assistance program (DAP)
 -   Return to Top


 -   EDI - Electronic data interchange
 -   Electrical service
 -   Electrical transmission lines
 -   Email FHA for Technical Support
 -   Email list
 -   Emergency Medical Technician Next Door
 -   Endorsement case binder doc req (new construction)
 -   Endorsement information/issues
 -   Energy efficient mortgages (EEM)
 -   Escrow
 -   Escrow agent
 -   Events
 -   Excess land
 -   Existing construction (less than one year old) (new) Definition
 -   Extension & variance requests (Servicing Only)
 -   Return to Top


 -   Fair market rents
 -   FAQs for single family
 -   FAQs for Housing Counselors
 -   Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA appraisal forms)
 -   FHA Connection B2G
 -   FHA Connection error messages
 -   FHA Connection hints
 -   FHA Connection for lenders
 -   FHA-approved lenders list
 -   FHA.GOV
 -   FHA maximum mortgage limits
 -   FHA Total Scorecard
 -   FHA Resource Center
 -   FHA training
 -   Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
 -   Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
 -   FHA Loans - FHA insures loans, it does NOT make loans or grants.
 -   Final inspection on properties
 -   Firefighter-Emergency Medical Technician Next Door
 -   Firefighter-Emergnecy Medical Technician Next Door Mortgages
 -   First Madison Services/ C& L Services, Inc.
 -   First-time homebuyers
 -   Flat roofs
 -   Flood zones and insurance
 -   Floor heaters
 -   Foam plastic or foam core insulation
 -   Foreclosure
 -   Foreclosure; How to avoid
 -   Foreclosure moratoriums
 -   Forest and farm property tax deferral programs
 -   Forms
 -   Forms and handbooks
 -   Return to Top


 -   Gift funds transfer and documentation
 -   Gift providers, IRS status
 -   Good Neighbor Sales
 -   Good Neighbor Next Door Mortgages
 -   Gross rent multiplier
 -   Return to Top


 -   Handbooks and forms
 -   Handbooks ""
 -   Hawaiian Home Lands (see also Assignments)
 -   Hazards and nuisances
 -   Heating systems - Non-conventional
 -   Heating
 -   HECM
 -   HECM Counselors
 -   HECM Basic Training Course
 -   HECM Counselor Exam
 -   HECM Counseling Network
 -   HECM Counselor Training
 -   HECM Fees
 -   HECM information for lenders
 -   Help Save My Home
 -   High cost areas
 -   Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs)
 -   Home improvement loan insurance
 -   Home inspections
 -   Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)
 -   Homeowner refunds
 -   Homeownership Centers (HOC)
 -   HopeNow
 -   Housing counseling
 -   Housing Counseling FAQs
 -   Housing Counseling Approval Process
 -   Housing counseling NOFA
 -   Housing Counseling System (HCS)
 -   Housing Act of 1937
 -   HUD Homes: Delegations of Authority
 -   HUD Homes: How to buy
 -   HUD Homes: How to sell
 -   HUD Homes: Listings
 -   Hurricane Recovery
 -   Hydrogen sulfide gas
 -   Return to Top


 -   Income limits
 -   Individual sewer system
 -   Individual water supply and sewage disposal systems
 -   Individual water systems
 -   Inspection fees (203(k))
 -   Inspection fees
 -   Inspection - local authority
 -   Inspectors
 -   Insulation - asbestos or foam
 -   Insurance Programs
 -   Internet links
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 -   Jobs with HUD-FHA
 -   Jurisdiction information
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 -   Katrina Resources


 -   LASS
 -   Lava flow zones
 -   LDPs and debarments
 -   Lead-based paint
 -   Lead-based paint surfaces
 -   Lenders
 -   Lender search
 -   Lender approvals
 -   Lender Insurance
 -   Lender req docs for delivery to appr at assignment (construction)
 -   Lender req docs in the endorsement case binder (construction)
 -   Lender’s certification
 -   Listserv email list
 -   Local authority construction inspections
 -   Loan servicing
 -   Local letters
 -   Loss mitigation
 -   Loss mitigation training
 -   Low income housing tax credit
 -   Return to Top


 -   Mailing lists
 -   Management & Marketing Contractors (M&M)
 -   Manufactured Homes - age requirements
 -   Manufactured Homes - eligibility and general requirements
 -   Manufactured Homes - foundation compliance
 -   Manufactured Homes - site requirements
 -   Manufactured Homes - special state requirements
 -   Manufactured Homes - Title I
 -   Manufactured Homes - tags and seals
 -   Manufactured Housing and Standards
 -   Maximum mortgage limits
 -   Mechanical certifications
 -   Mileage fee (inspections)
 -   Minimum Property Standards (MPS)
 -   Minimum Property Standards
 -   Modular construction
 -   Mortgage Bankers Association of America (MBA)
 -   Mortgage insurance premium (MIP)
 -   Mortgage insurance refund (Homeowners)
 -   Mortgagee Compliance Manager
 -   Mortgagee letters (Online) mortgagee letters (Order Paper Copies)
 -   Mortgagee letters: loss mitigation
 -   Maximum mortgage limits (FHA)
 -   Move-ons (House Relocations)
 -   Multifamily business
 -   Multifamily Delinquency and Default Reporting System (MDDR)
 -   Multifamily real estate for
 -   Return to Top


 -   National Servicing Center
 -   Native American Lands
 -   Neighborhood Watch
 -   No HUD warranty
 -   Noise of airports
 -   NOFA's and instructions
 -   Non-profit recommended certification form
 -   Non-profits information
 -   Nonresidential use
 -   Nuisances and hazards
 -   Return to Top


 -   Officer Next Door (buying an OND home)
 -   Officer Next Door Mortgages
 -   Oil and gas, tanks and lines
 -   Online Technical Support
 -   Overhead high voltage transmission towers and lines


 -   Permanent Foundations Guide
 -   Pest control - Reports, appraiser’s observation, and condition clearance
 -   Philadelphia Homeownership Center
 -   Phone numbers (800)
 -   Phone number (FHA)
 -   Poor condition properties
 -   Power lines
 -   Pre-closing test cases
 -   Predatory lending
 -   Preservation and Protection
 -   Premiums
 -   Private roadways and criteria for agreement acceptance
 -   Propane tanks
 -   Property eligibility
 -   Property flipping waiver
 -   Proposed construction definition


 -   Quality control


 -   Radon
 -   Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC)
 -   Real Estate Assessment Center
 -   Real Estate Management System (REMS)
 -   Real estate brokers
 -   Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA)
 -   Real Estate Settlement and Procedures Act (RESPA) (Fees)
 -   Reference Guide (Homeownership Ctr)
 -   Refunds
 -   Regulatory Affairs Manufactured Housing
 -   Rehabilitation Program 203(k)
 -   Rejecting properties recommended
 -   Rental assistance
 -   Repairs (Required)
 -   Re-roofing
 -   REO - see HUD Homes
 -   Reverse mortgages - see HECM
 -   Revitalization areas
 -   Risk Based Premiums
 -   Road maintenance agreements
 -   Roof inspections
 -   Roof valuation
 -   Roofs
 -   Roof’s life expectancy
 -   Runway clear zones


 -   Santa Ana Homeownership Center
 -   SAMS Guide
 -   Secondary financing
 -   Section 223 (e): Mortgage insurance for housing in older declining neighborhoods.
 -   Section 8
 -   Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE)
 -   Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
 -   Servicing
 -   Sewage system plans and specifications (new construction)
 -   Sewer system - community
 -   Sewer system - individual
 -   SFDMS - Delinquency/Default Reporting
 -   Shared lots with undivided interests
 -   Shared wells
 -   Single Family Housing email list
 -   Small residential inc property appraisal report - FNMA 1025 (grm)
 -   Sour gas wells
 -   Stationary tanks
 -   Staff directory
 -   Streamline refinance
 -   Subdivision approvals
 -   "Supervisory" appraisals
 -   Suspension and disbarment list
 -   Return to Top


 -   Tanks - oil and gas
 -   Teacher Next Door (buying a TND home)
 -   Teacher Next Door Mortgages
 -   Technical Support
 -   Ten-year warranty plans
 -   Termite infestation probability zones (TIP Zones)
 -   Test Cases: pre-closing
 -   Tier Ranking System (TRS)
 -   Title I Home Improvement and Mobile Home Loans Insurance
 -   Title I - Manufactured Homes
 -   Training
 -   Training notifications by email


 -   Under Construction Definition
 -   Underground Tanks
 -   Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR) (fees)
 -   Unique Properties
 -   Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice
 -   Utilities Not On
 -   Utilities Turned On (new construction)


 -   Variance & extension requests (Servicing Only)


 -   Water companies
 -   Water heater requirements
 -   Water purification equipment- individual residential
 -   Water quality
 -   Water supply plans and specifications (new construction)
 -   Water systems - community
 -   Water systems - individual
 -   Webcasts
 -   Well location
 -   Well minimum distances from source of pollution
 -   Wells - new
 -   Wood stoves and solar systems






 -   Zip codes
 -   Zoning
 -   Return to Top
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