Publications Treatment, Prevention, & Recovery Crisis Intervention SVP06-0155S
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Tiene dificultades para lidiar con sus problemas despues de un desastre? Hay esperanza.

Tiene dificultades para lidiar con sus problemas despues de un desastre? Hay esperanza.

Having Trouble Coping After a Disaster? There Is Hope. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Wallet Card (Spanish version)

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Provee el telefono gratis de la Red nacional para la prevencion del suicidio. Da una lista de senales de alerta de depresion y de pensamientos y comportamientos suicidas que se pueden presentar en las vi­ctimas del desastre. En formato de tarjeta para la cartera.

Pub id: SVP06-0155S
Publication Date: 12/2006
Popularity: 241
Format: Promotional Item
Audience: Disaster Response Workers

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Customer Comments

Comment by:

08/30/2012 3:35 PM

A professional from a Individual/Group Practice said:

Great resources for those in recovery as well as for prevention!

Comment by:

09/05/2012 4:42 PM

A professional from a School/University said:

Nurse educator with joint appt at Rutgers University and Cooper University Hospital Psychiatric APRN and chair of suicide prevention task force