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National Landscape Conservation System



Arizona Strategic Goals

Landscapes of the American Spirit

The Bureau of Land Management's National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) contains some of the West's most spectacular landscapes.  Arizona manages 5 national monuments, 3 national conservation areas, 2 national historic trails, a portion of 1 national scenic trail, 47 wilderness areas and 2 wilderness study areas.  These national treasures were designated by Congress or Presidential Proclamation. They include:

NATIONAL MONUMENTS:  Areas designated to protect objects of scientific and historic interest by public proclamation by the President, under the Antiquities Act of 1906, or by Congress for objects of historic or scientific interest on public lands, and to provide for the management of those features.
NATIONAL CONSERVATION AREAS:  Areas of public lands congressionally designated for conservation, protection, enhancement and management of their resources for the use, benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations. These areas hold special natural, recreational, cultural, wildlife, aquatic, archaeological, paleontological, historical and/or scientific values.   

NATIONAL HISTORIC TRAILS:  These trails are congressionally designated, and follow as closely as possible and practical, to the original trails or routes of travel having national historic significance. The purpose of this designation is to identify and protect historic routes and their remnants and artifacts.

NATIONAL SCENIC TRAILS:   These trails are congressionally designated, and are established as regional trails to provide for the conservation and enjoyment of the nationally significant scenic, historic, natural, or cultural qualities of the areas through which such trails may pass.  

WILDERNESS AREAS:  Congressionally designated, these areas of undeveloped federal land retain their primeval character without permanent improvement or human habitation and are managed to preserve their natural conditions. They offer outstanding opportunities for solitude and may contain ecological, geological or other scientific, scenic or historical values.
NATIONAL WILD AND SCENIC RIVERS: A river, or river section, designated by Congress or the Secretary of the Interior, under the authority of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Acts of 1968, to protect outstanding scenic, recreational and other values, as well as to preserve its free-flowing condition.