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Studies in Support of
2002 Final Power Rate Proposal

(posted May 19, 2000)

Revenue Requirement Study

Rate Document Number: WP-02-FS-BPA-02
Publication Number: DOE/BP-3282
Number of Pages: 217
Contact Person: Val Lefler, BPA Financial Analysis And Requirements, (503) 230-3521, valefler@bpa.gov

Summary: The purpose of this Study is to establish the level of revenues from wholesale power rates necessary to recover, in accordance with sound business principles, the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) costs associated with the production, acquisition, marketing and conservation of electric power. The Study outlines the policies, forecasts, and assumptions, and calculations used to determine revenue requirements. Legal requirements are summarized in Chapter 5 of this Study. The Study also includes the revised revenue test which demonstrates that revenues from the proposed wholesale power rates will recover generation costs in each year of the rate test period and over the ensuing 50-year repayment period.

Electronic Files Currently Available:
[ Before viewing/downloading Study PDF files, read the PDF File Notes below !!! ]

PDF version of entire study (867 kb, posted May 19, 2000)

Revenue Requirement Study Documentation - Volume 1

Rate Document Number: WP-02-FS-BPA-02A
Publication Number: DOE/BP-3283
Number of Pages: 373
Contact Person: Val Lefler, BPA Financial Analysis And Requirements, (503) 230-3521, valefler@bpa.gov

Summary: Volume 1 of Documentation for Revenue Requirement Study, WP-02-FS-BPA-02A, contains key technical assumptions and calculations.

Electronic Files Currently Available:
[ Before viewing/downloading Study PDF files, read the PDF File Notes below !!! ]

PDF version of the entire document (1874 kb, posted May 19, 2000)

Revenue Requirement Study Documentation - Volume 2

Rate Document Number: WP-02-FS-BPA-02B
Publication Number: DOE/BP-3284
Number of Pages: 618
Contact Person: Val Lefler, BPA Financial Analysis And Requirements, (503) 230-3521, valefler@bpa.gov

Summary: Volume 2 of Documentation for Revenue Requirement Study, WP-02-FS-BPA-02B, contains the results of the generation repayment studies, and an explanation of the repayment program.

Electronic Files Currently Available:
[ Before viewing/downloading Study PDF files, read the PDF File Notes below !!! ]

PDF version of the entire document (898 kb, posted May 19, 2000)

PDF File Notes:  Although the contents of these PDF files are identical to the contents of the printed documents, most of the PDF versions of these rate case studies do not include page numbers. Also, the total number of pages in the PDF file may be slightly different than in the printed document, and page breaks may occur in different locations. If your web browser is configured to open PDF files within the browser, you can view these files by clicking on the file link with your left mouse button. To download the entire PDF file to a local drive, click on the file link with your right mouse button and select "Save Target As..." You can estimate the amount of time it will take to view/download the file by noting the file size (in kb). Actual download time will depend on the speed of your internet connection and how many other people are downloading this file at the same time. Paper copies of the document may be requested from BPA's Public Reference Room, 503-230-7334.


Archive of content originally posted or last updated on:  May 19, 2000.
Content originally provided by:  Greg Gustafson, BPA Power Business Line.
Content provided by:  Greg Gustafson, 503-230-5820, gcgustafson@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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