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"Slice of the System" Product

Summary - During the development of the Subscription Strategy, a group of NW public utilities that own and operate generating resources proposed an arrangement for obtaining power and capabilities of the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS). The basic premise of the proposal, called the "Slice of the System" (Slice), is that a purchaser would pay a fixed percent of BPA's power costs in exchange for a fixed percent of FCRPS generation and capabilities. After evaluating the proposal with its customers, BPA decided to proceed with the development of the Slice product as a Subscription product.

Announcements (updated January 5, 2007)

Recently Added or Revised Information (updated September 1, 2011)

Applicable Interest Rates for Slice Product (updated  November 2, 2011)

Slice Product Description (updated October 8, 1999)
Slice Product Development Process (May 1998 - March 1999)

Content provided by:  Timothy Roberts, Slice Product Manager, 503-230-5450, tcroberts@bpa.gov.
Admin Assistant, Kimberly Brown, 503-230-3639, kabrown@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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