News & Outreach

The Office of Public Affairs is dedicated to helping journalists and the general public understand the mission and activities of the National Labor Relations Board. This is the place to find news about significant cases, settlements, complaints and decisions, as well as background material on the Agency and its leaders.

Contact the Office of Public Affairs

Have questions about our news and initiatives? Contact the Office of Public Affairs for more information.

News Releases

News releases are issued in cases of national and regional significance, and to announce initiatives of the Board and General Counsel.


Announcements are notices of personnel and other administrative changes at the NLRB.

Fact Sheets

Visit here for background information on significant cases as well as issues pending before the Board and initiatives undertaken by the General Counsel.

Fact Check

This feature encourages accuracy in the media by correcting common misperceptions and errors of fact when they are brought to our attention.

Employee Rights Notice Posting

Important note: The DC Circuit Court of Appeals has temporarily enjoined the NLRB’s rule requiring the posting of employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act. The rule, which had been scheduled to take effect on April 30, 2012, will not take effect until the legal issues are resolved. There is no new deadline for the posting requirement at this time.

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The NLRB's Outreach and Public Information Programs help to educate the citizens we serve and provide needed services to those who rely upon the NLRB to enforce the statute.


Our brochures provide basic information on the NLRB and how it works.

Foreign Language Publications

Other than Spanish, selected NLRB publications have been translated into several languages as part of the NLRB's compliance with Executive Order 13166, "Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency."