In the News…

Putting Washington to work, rebuilding the economy.

Governor Inslee’s top priority is to create and sustain a thriving economic climate that spurs job growth in every industry sector and every corner of Washington state. Our schools and businesses must work together to prepare students and workers for today’s jobs and the jobs of the future. The comprehensive jobs plan announced Feb. 13 builds on Washington’s long tradition of innovation and harnesses our unique abilities to lead in the global economy.

Governor Jay Inslee today put forward a plan for revitalizing Washington’s economy, creating jobs and ensuring we have workers with the knowledge and skills to fill those jobs.

“Washington families are struggling, and nearly 300,000 people in the state are looking for work,” Inslee said. “They expect us to step up to the challenge of rebuilding our economy.”

“For our state to compete in the global economy, we must create a Working Washington that sustains an innovative economic climate in every corner of the state,” Inslee said. “I have confidence we can answer the challenge. A strong workforce has been our strength in the past and will be our path to the future.”

The governor’s plan includes five focus areas:

“We can and must make government a partner in job creation,” Inslee said. “We will deploy targeted investments and incentives in sectors that promise real growth. We will expand access to health care because it’s good for people and good for the economy. And we are going to do the right thing for our economy and for our future by stepping up to the challenge of climate change.”

Learn more about Governor Inslee’s jobs plan.

You can also read the Governor’s full press release here.

