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David D. Blaney MDDr. Blaney is a medical epidemiologist within the CDC's Special Pathogens Branch.

Preventive Medicine 2013 – CME and MOC Credits

Reporting your CME and MOC credits for PM2013 has never been easier! Attendees will be required to complete an electronic evaluation and online MOC quizzes to obtain credit. Paper evaluations/MOC questions will not be provided or accepted. Additional information on CME and MOC credits is available on the PM2013 website.

ACPM Membership Renewal

There's still time to renew your ACPM membership! To renew your membership today, login to ACPM's website with your username and password. If you do not recall your password, you may reset it online--if you are using the same email address as when you first registered. Renewing your ACPM membership today helps ensure you don't miss out on valuable member benefits! Stay connected...renew your membership today!

ACPM Strategic Plan and Mission Statement

Learn more about ACPM's strategic plan and mission statement, adopted by the Board of Regents, to guide the College's activities and resource allocation for the next two years. More information about the plan is available here.



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