USAID's Investments in Bangladesh - Dollars to Results (Pilot Project)

Map of Bangladesh
Flag of Bangladesh


152.9 Million
Average Annual Income
$1,529 per Person
Bangladesh is a strong U.S. ally that continues to make progress toward a more prosperous and democratic society. It is a key strategic partner in South Asia and the country's efforts at reform, development, and security are vital to regional and global stability.

Note: Click on the bar chart or navigation panel below for more information.

Children learning at school.

Educational goals in Bangladesh include increasing early learning opportunities and developing and sharing new teaching methods and materials that make learning fun and effective.

Less Than 1% Badge

Disclaimer: Dollars to Results links spending in a fiscal year to results reported for that same year. The data may differ from other USAID and U.S. Government websites because they use different timeframes and reporting parameters for information displayed. Please refer to the FAQs for more details.