Category: National

Datesort icon Type Title
12/07/2009 Blog Five U.S. Organizations Announced as Recipients of 2009 Baldrige National Quality Award
12/07/2009 Blog Glider Completes Historic Crossing: New Technology Advances Climate Understanding
12/02/2009 Blog Commerce Secretary Locke Joins Vice President Biden at the 2008 Baldrige Awards
12/02/2009 News Remarks at Baldrige Quality Awards
12/01/2009 Blog NIST Develops Experimental Validation Tool for Cell Phone Forensics
11/30/2009 Blog NOAA: Slow Atlantic Hurricane Season Comes to a Close
11/25/2009 Blog Thanksgiving Day 2009: Census Bureau National Holiday Facts and Features
11/25/2009 Blog Statement from Under Secretary Blank on October 2009 Personal Income and Outlays
11/24/2009 Blog Secretary Locke Visits Philadelphia to Raise Awareness of 2010 Census with Mayor Nutter
11/24/2009 Blog Under Secretary Blank Statement on Second Estimate of Third Quarter GDP 2009
11/20/2009 Blog Dr. Patrick Gallagher Sworn In as 14th Director of NIST
11/20/2009 News Remarks at Ceremonial Swearing In of NIST Director Dr. Patrick D. Gallagher
11/18/2009 Blog NIST: Small Nanoparticles Bring Big Improvement to Medical Imaging
11/17/2009 Blog NOAA Reports Combined Global Surface Temperature Was Sixth Warmest for October
11/13/2009 News Remarks at American Chamber of Commerce Singapore
11/06/2009 Blog Senate Confirms Dr. Patrick Gallagher as 14th NIST Director
11/06/2009 News Senate Confirms Dr. Patrick Gallagher as 14th NIST Director
11/06/2009 Blog USPTO Hosts Annual Independent Inventors Conference
11/05/2009 Blog Secretary Locke Announces Winners of Presidential Export Awards
11/05/2009 News Secretary Locke Announces Winners of Presidential Export Awards
11/05/2009 News Remarks at White House Tribal Nations Conference
11/04/2009 News U.S. Commerce Secretary Locke Keynotes District Export Council Conference to Highlight Importance of Exporting
11/04/2009 Blog Secretary Locke Addresses National DEC Conference on Importance of Exporting
11/04/2009 News Remarks at the National District Export Council Conference
11/03/2009 News Locke Statement on President Obama's Intent to Nominate Suresh Kumar as U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service Director General
11/03/2009 Blog NIST Test Proves 'The Eyes Have It' for ID Verification
11/03/2009 News A New Beginning: Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship Now Accepting Nominations for Delegates
11/02/2009 Blog NOAA Scientists Undertake In-Flight Study of Global Levels of Greenhouse Gas Distribution
10/29/2009 Blog Commerce Secretary Locke Statement on Third Quarter GDP
10/28/2009 News District Export Council Conference Recognizes Excellence in Exporting