CRCL Immigration Section

U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, asylum seekers, refugees, non-immigrant and immigrant visa holders, migrant workers, undocumented persons, and persons in detention are all affected by the Department of Homeland Security’s immigration-related programs. The Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) Immigration Section works collaboratively with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, and other Department offices to:

  • Ensure that civil and human rights and civil liberties protections are incorporated into immigration-related programs, policies, procedures, and operations throughout the Department;
  • Communicate with and inform the public about the civil and human rights and civil liberties implications of Department immigration programs, policies, procedures, and operations – including individual rights and responsibilities; and
  • Provide civil and human rights and civil liberties training to DHS Components.

Programs and Policies

The Immigration Section works collaboratively with DHS Headquarters and Components on the following programs and policies:

Conditions of Immigration Detention

We work with ICE to design and implement reforms that better protect the civil and human rights of immigrant detainees. Reforms include: an online detainee locator system, enhanced alternatives to detention policy, improved risk assessment tools, better medical care and medical classification of detainees, and the Performance-Based National Detention Standards. We also offer civil rights and civil liberties training for detention services managers. 

Verification Databases and Programs

E-Verify and the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) programs can impact an individual’s ability to work and an individual’s eligibility for public benefits at the local, state, and federal levels. We actively review these programs, outreach products, and system design. We have co-produced educational videos and written outreach material for employers and workers about E-Verify.

Employment and Immigration Issues

We engage with stakeholders, work with DHS Components, and other federal agencies – such as the Department of Justice (DOJ) Civil Rights Division – to troubleshoot issues at the intersection of immigration enforcement and the protection of civil rights and civil liberties protections for those who work in the United States.

Human Rights and Vulnerable Populations

CRCL is the designated Department point of contact for international human rights treaty reporting and coordination under Executive Order 13107. We work closely with federal agencies and departments to ensure that human rights are considered in policy and programs. We work with DHS Component to develop and advance protective policies, procedures, and training for victims of torture and persecution, battered immigrants, trafficked persons, and others needing special attention. We play an integral role in developing human trafficking training for state and law enforcement.

Priority Enforcement Program

We monitor and address civil rights and civil liberties concerns for the transfer of individuals in custody of state or local law enforcement to ICE.

State and Local Enforcement Programs

We work closely with ICE to monitor its various partnerships with state and local law enforcement.

Access to Department Program and Activities

We work across the Department to ensure that individuals encountering language, cultural, and literacy barriers can fully access Department activities, including immigration proceedings, detention information, and disaster relief services.

Engagement and Outreach

The Immigration Section engages with the public about the civil and human rights and civil liberties implications of Department immigration programs, policies, procedures, and operations. We also facilitate dialogue between government agencies and immigration and civil rights organizations. Our work includes:

Quarterly NGO Civil Rights/Civil Liberties Committee Meeting

This Committee includes representatives from over 20 civil society organizations. Assisted by extensive grassroots networks, Committee members articulate the perspectives of organizations and communities across the country concerning civil and human rights issues. The CRCL Officer meets quarterly with the Committee to identify systemic and policy concerns.

Border Community Engagement

We have led the Department in  promoting dialogue with border stakeholders on issues such as short term hold room policies, migrant deaths, and complaints issues.


The Immigration Section, in collaboration with the CRCL Institute, actively reviews and creates training products for the public and for the Department covering diverse topics that include: human trafficking, Violence Against Women Act immigrant relief, vulnerable populations, limited English proficiency, verification-related civil rights issues, state and local enforcement of immigration law. In addition, we present several times a year at professional conferences and other events. We have provided subject matter expertise to the American Bar Association Section on Labor & Employment Law Annual Conference, various affiliates of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the E-Verify outreach unit, ICE Victim-Witness Assistance Coordinators, the DOJ Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices, and the USCIS Community Relations Officers. We also brief Congressional staff on Department-related immigration programs and associated civil rights and civil liberties issues.

Contact Us

By mail or phone:
Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Building 410, Mail Stop #0190
Washington, D.C. 20528

Phone: 202-401-1474
Toll Free: 1-866-644-8360
TTY: 202-401-0470
Toll Free TTY: 1-866-644-8361
Fax: 202-401-4708

By e-mail:

Last Published Date: April 21, 2016

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