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Report Contract Actions in the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS)

The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requires customer agencies to collect and report data on their procurements to the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS). Customer agencies also receive socioeconomic credit for their task orders through the FPDS.

Contracting officers must submit complete reports on required contract actions within three business days after a contract is awarded, or in accordance with the guidance from your agency.


When creating or modifying an award, most information is automatically updated based on the user's account and the characteristics of the parent GWAC. However, the contracting officer must fill in the following information.

If you are ordering for a customer agency, fill out the contracting office agency ID, contracting office ID, funding agency ID, and funding office ID for the customer agency to transfer the socioeconomic credit to the customer.

Note: In FPDS, GWACs are referred to as IDVs (indefinite delivery vehicles).

Field Instructions
Contracting office ID Enter the FIPS 95 code that identifies the contracting office.
Funding agency ID For DoD, enter the code that corresponds to the DoD Automatic Addressing Code (DODAAC) for the funding agency in Reporting Funding Organization Data to FPDS (PDF, 12/16/2008).
Funding office ID For DoD, enter the DODAAC identified on the purchase requisition that represents the transaction’s requisitioner — not the pay office or accounting station DODAAC. If the funding agency is DoD, then the program or funding office code must have a value from the DODAAC.
Award ID Enter the order number assigned upon award—it is different from the project number and the GWAC contract number. For the GSA OCO, refer to GSAM 504.7001-3, Order and Call Instrument Identification Number, for specific formatting.
Estimate ultimate completion date This is the date of the order completion if all options are exercised.
Type of contract Indicate whether it is a fixed-price, cost-reimbursement, time-and-materials, level-of-effort, or any other type of contract.
Product/service code The default code is D399. However, you may want to select a code that better fits your requirement. Suggestions include:
  • D301: ADP Facility Operation and Maintenance Services
  • D302: ADP Systems Development Services
  • D303: ADP Data Entry Services
  • D304: ADP Telecommunications and Transmission Services
  • D305: ADP Teleprocessing and Timesharing Services
  • D306: ADP Systems Analysis Services
  • D307: Automated Information System Design and Integration Services
  • D308: Programming Services
  • D309: Information and Data Broadcasting or Data Distribution Services
  • D310: ADP Backup and Security Services
  • D311: ADP Data Conversion Services
  • D312: ADP Optical Scanning Services
  • D313: Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Services
  • D314: ADP System Acquisition Support Services. Includes preparation of statement of work, benchmarks, specifications, etc.
  • D315: Digitizing Services. Includes cartographic and geographic information
  • D316: Telecommunications Network Management Services
  • D399: Other ADP and Telecommunications Services (includes data storage on tapes, compact disks, etc.)
Extent competed If you provided fair opportunity, select "competitive delivery order." If you used an exception to fair opportunity, select "noncompetitive delivery order."
Solicitation procedures Enter "negotiated proposal/quote" for all contracts.
Type of set-aside Should be coded as "no set-aside used", even if you used a set-aside GWAC; the entire GWAC is a set-aside, so there is no required set-aside for individual task orders.
Evaluated preference Should be "no preference used."

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Enterprise GWAC Division
(877) 534-2208

Small Business GWAC Division
(877) 327-8732
