Dryden Flight Research Center

Here is the list of entries for Dryden Flight Research Center based on the selected criteria.

With Help From the Angel on the Christmas Tree Oct 21, 2011 05:01:15 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
A quick-thinking young college grad came up with an idea that sold veteran pilots on the radical notion of heads-up cockpit displays - and it also got him his first job.
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Birds, TEDx, and the Mind's Boxes Sep 09, 2011 07:16:58 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
Al Bowers connects some dots at TEDxNASA for himself as well as for his audience.
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Friendly Solano Skies - and Crowds Aug 16, 2011 05:36:52 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
Dryden pilots Mark Pestana and Hernan Posada talked aeronautics with enthusiastic crowds at Travis Air Force Base July 30-31 during the "Skies Over Solano" Air Power Expo.
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Seeing Stars Aug 04, 2011 05:52:28 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
A SOFIA program college intern ponders the vastness of the universe – and can't wait to get back to school to share the experience.
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It Could Happen...It DID Happen! Jul 11, 2011 12:01:46 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
Dryden public affairs lead Kevin Rohrer shares the experience of watching the last shuttle launch, and finds himself feeling good about the future.
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SOFIA Captures a Speeding Shadow Jun 30, 2011 05:19:17 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy team chalks up a victory when it captures a celestial event that was out of range for most ground-based observatories.
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A Great Day to Go Flying Jun 23, 2011 05:27:36 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
Flight test engineer Mike Holtz spends a warm day in the cockpit testing landing radar for JPL's Mars Science Laboratory.
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Shaking Hands With A Hero Jun 20, 2011 12:18:06 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
A member of Dryden's Ikhana team gets the opportunity to meet his lifelong idol.
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All In A Night's Work Jun 02, 2011 02:06:00 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
Dryden public affairs specialist Beth Hagenauer takes a night flight with the SOFIA crew and watches astronomers at work.
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A Lesson in Mission Control May 20, 2011 01:30:18 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
Dryden pilot Mark Dickerson gives a group of middle schoolers a taste of what it's like to manage a research flight.
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The UAV Wild Blue Yonder May 23, 2011 07:12:28 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
NASA Dryden pilot Hernan Posada flies UAVs of all shapes and sizes - and loves it.
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Beginnings and Endings Apr 13, 2011 01:17:18 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
Dryden Center Director David McBride reflects on the shuttle program's past and opportunities for the future.
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Getting The Word Out Feb 16, 2011 04:44:28 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
Even folks who aren't math whizzes can have a great job at NASA!
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Laminar Flow and the Holy Grail Feb 11, 2011 05:34:06 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
NASA Dryden's associate director for research, Al Bowers, gives details about a new research effort that is the latest chapter in the decades-long quest for low drag.
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Fire and Ice: Memories of Challenger Apr 14, 2011 02:19:40 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
NASA Dryden historian Peter Merlin writes about one day during his college years that he'll never forget.
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Art Meets Aerospace Jan 24, 2011 04:01:07 PM | Kevin J Rohrer
Southern California photographer Michael Tierney explores aerospace from strictly a fine-art point of view in a photography exhibit at the Blythe Projects gallery in Culver City, Calif.
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