Production of Radioactive Nuclei

Proton rich radioactive nuclei are produced through fusion-evaporation reactions between light ion beams (1H, 2H, 3He and 4He) from the ORIC cyclotron and stable target atoms which are selected to produce the desired radioactive species.  Neutron rich radioactive nuclei are produced through fission of actinide targets bombarded with protons from the ORIC cyclotron. 

Radioactive ion beams (RIBs) generated by fusion-evaporation reactions through (y, zxn) processes (y={p, d, 3He or a} and z={p or a }) have cross sections of 1-100 mb which for 1-2 g/cm2 thick targets corresponds to production rates of ~10-3-10-5 radioactive nuclei per incident ion. This figure shows a table of nuclei which are accessible through these reactions.

Fission of actinide targets can produce a wide variety neutron rich species with production rates as high as ~10-4 radioactive nuclei per incident proton. The figure shows calculated rates of production from bombardment of 40 MeV protons on 238U.

Since many target materials can only withstand several mA of ORIC beam, total radioactive atom production rates tend to be ~108 -1011 radioactive atoms per second.

Beam Development | Production of Nuclei | Target Systems | Ion Sources | RIB Yields | RIB Injector


This page was last updated on February 11, 1999

Send questions and comments to Robert Welton