Journal Articles : 2013

AuthorArticle TitleJournalFunded By
YeoMeasurement of convective entrainment using Lagrangian particles (Citation)Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences ASR
BergEvaluation of a modified scheme for shallow convection: Implementation of CuP and case studies (Citation)Monthly Weather Review ARM ASR
MecikalskiUse of satellite derived cloud properties to quantify growing cumulus beneath cirrus clouds (Citation)Atmospheric Research ARM
LuExploring parameterization for turbulent entrainment-mixing processes in clouds (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM ASR
PanA new method for retrieving equivalent cloud base height and equivalent emissivity by using the ground-based Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) (Citation)Science China - Earth Sciences ARM
QiuShouxian aerosol radiative properties measured by DOE AMF and compared with CERES-MODIS (Citation)Advanced Materials Research ARM
ScarinoRetrieving clear-sky surface skin temperature for numerical weather prediction applications from geostationary satellite data (Citation)Advances in Space Research ARM
HanlonStatistical decision analysis for flight decision support: The SPartICus campaign (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM ASR
de BoerA numerical study of aerosol influence on mixed-phase stratiform clouds through modulation of the liquid phase (Citation)Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ASR
MatsuiDevelopment and validation of a black carbon mixing state resolved three-dimensional model: Aging processes and radiative impact (Citation)Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ARM ASR
ShupeHigh and Dry: New observations of tropospheric and cloud properties above the Greenland Ice Sheet (Citation)Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society ARM ASR